Moose - Cash Games - Nov/Dec



  • 13 handed 2 tables choice of games, plo or drawmaha

    Sent from my XT1064 using Tapatalk
  • Great evening, thanks for hosting Moose... Amazing how we kept 2 tables most of the night.
  • I should have napped more, I didn't want to get out of bed at 4:45 this morning
  • I guess when both Folded and myself are at mooses a bat signal is sent out to every bum hunter within a 35 km radius.

    Was a fun game Folded buys in 3 times in the first 12 mins just to sucker everyone in , but he has obviously been getting top level PLO coaching because by midnight he has close to 900 in chips.

    Steve and Jeff are seeing the flop 5% of the time i am in about 40% and Floded might have hit 50%.

    fun was had by all and in the end i cashed out for $ 730 ......... For a huge $ 30 profit.

    Thanks to Folded for buying Pizza for everyone and Moose for hosting and donating. 😜
  • Steve and Jeff are seeing the flop 5% of the time i am in about 40% and Floded might have hit 50%.

    Quit exaggerating, I was at 3.5%... Folded was more like 95%.. I'm good though, cashed out for $290. from my original $100. buy in.... Was great fun to see the interactions.... Pretty sure when I left and the original PLO table closed we had in excess of $2000 on the table, not bad for a $.50/$.50 game 6 handed.. Actually folded would claim only 5 handed, but I take offence to that..
  • Any games today cambridge cash or tourney
  • What games will be played for the more than 2 cards night?
  • Any game using more than two cards, though once we are more than 6 handed it eliminates some of the crazier games. I'm sure compuease will show up again now that he knows we are dead money.
  • I'll take the last spot for the 16th.
  • I am petitioning for 2-11 to be played or double board chorchevel!
  • Put Brad on the wait list as well please moose.
  • Throw me on the waitlist there moose
  • Brad and I are out for tonight, Moose. Weather forecast has grounded all flights out of east milton for the evening.
  • Good.... Shopsy and I are in for tonight...
  • ok will run two tables.

    latest forecast is 6-10 cm overnight with the snow starting around 7pm and peaking after midnight falling at about 1 cm per hour.
    If it is really accumulating we will wrap around midnight.

    heading to Ali's bar and grill for wings around 5:30pm.
  • I'm out tonight. Don't really want to play short handed. Sorry.
  • It's going to be one table.
  • Running late. Will be there close to 730
  • 6 guys just starting now..
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