50/50 Charity Tourney Today

Due to some unforeseen circumstances we have had to postpone the Tournament until Sunday, Oct 23rd at 3pm we are sorry for any inconvenience The structure, prize pool and raffle information will be announced by the end of the week. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Rob or text 647-505-871

Bearded VillainsToronto Presents "Alexa's Poker Tournament"

2 1/2 years ago 12year old Alexa beat Cancer, but now it's back and she is kicking it's ass. The bills are starting to add up fast and we want to help. So we have organized a 50/50 Poker Tournament on Oct. 1st to raise funds for her and her family. Our goal is to raise at least $3000.00

Doors open at 3:00pm for dinner and drinks, the Tournament starts at 4:30pm
Buy-in: $135 $25 (buffet style dinner) $10 (dealers, we have hired 5 dealers) $100 (50/50 Alexa/Prize Pool)

Re-Buys: $50 for first three rounds 50% of re-buys go to prizepool and 50% of RE-BUYS GO TO ALEXA AND HER FAMILY

Add-on: ONE $50 Add-on at the end of the third round ALL ADD-ONS GO TO ALEXA AND HER FAMILY

For any other information text 647-505-8716
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