Moose - Cambridge - $50 for $20k deepstack tourney

NL Freezeout Tourney

*** $50 ***

Saturday Sept. 24 - 1 pm
Doors open 12:30pm

All players paid by 12:50 pm, will receive 20k
Late players will receive, 18k - for an optional $5 to the house, you will receive a full 20k stack.

Chips will be given out as follows: $10k in live chips, one $10k lammer which may be exchanged at any time for another $10k in chips. After the first break all remaining lammers will be exchanged for live chips.

Side Pool: There is an optional additional $50 side pool for those who wish to up their game and play for $100 buyin. Only those entered in the side pool are eligible for the side pool funds. Everyone is eligible for the first $50 pool.

30 min blinds

Late players will not be admitted to the tourney after the first blind level, 1:30 pm, unless prior arrangements are made with the host.

There will be a 45 min dinner break

30 max

1. moose
2. matt W
3. stg
4. datamn
5. kwmatt
6. djgolfcan
7. blades
8. jacnok
9. ThisORthat
10. edtheted
11. ana
12. kwdad


Cash game to follow tourney


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