Parx Casino - Ball Game - Sesame Place - July 5-11th

With the kids out of school we are deciding on a road trip next week to Philadelphia. Our plans are outline in the title but in reverse order. I don't think Sesame Place would receive as many views as Parx Casino.

We have heard great reviews on Sesame Place I thought if I can pull off the other 2 events why not.

We have seen ball games in Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Wrigley so an afternoon game vs the Braves will add another stadium to our list. With their records I don't think it will be a great game, however it will be a chance to see a player like Ryan Howard.

Parx Casino I plan on visiting in the evening when the ladies retire for the night. I have 3 girls. Looking at the website the spread a huge variety of games with 80 poker tables. This should be alot of fun.

Has anyone else been to Philadelphia that can recommend other things to do. I'm not sure how excited kids would be to see the Liberty Bell or Independence Hall.

I would also appreciate any feedback on any of the 3 places we plan on visiting.
I'll try to write a review upon my return.
I hope the 8 hour car ride isn't like a Chevy Chase movie.


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