July 16th Rake Free Cash Game

Saturday July 16
NL hold'em
$0.25-$0.25 blinds
$40 buy-in - rebuys up to $40 at any time between hands
7pm to midnight-ish

1. trigs
2. B
3. Bfillmaff
4. djgolfcan
5. The Prophet 22
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. R
10. H

Wait List:
1. DrTyore


  • Will need directions, but sure . . .
  • Will need directions, but sure . . .

    will send closer to date.
  • Will be there
  • djgolfcan wrote: »

    I have to be in Kitchener for the day and should be able to swing by on my way home. Will need an address.

  • Maybe.

    I have to be in Kitchener for the day and should be able to swing by on my way home. Will need an address.


    will PM address closer to date.
  • trigs wrote: »
    will PM address closer to date.

    Needs a bump. Planning my weekend and make this game happens.

  • Looks like a good turnout. Sorry I can't make it Trigs.
  • If anyone wants me there.. easy money

    I can't drive (smart car is dead :() but text / call me at 519.241.1572 if you'll pick my (likely) drunk ass up / drive me home.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    If anyone wants me there.. easy money

    I can't drive (smart car is dead :() but text / call me at 519.241.1572 if you'll pick my (likely) drunk ass up / drive me home.


    You are welcome to come if you can get a ride. At this point it looks like everyone is coming so right now it's 11 with drtyore making it 12. It'll be tight but we can squeeze in. Prophet is coming late too I think.
  • Sorry . . . interwebz has been down until about 15 minutes ago. I'm out after getting shanghaied to St. Jacobs all day.
  • trigs wrote: »
    Prophet is coming late too I think.

    Prophet 22 is on his way!
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Looks like a good turnout. Sorry I can't make it Trigs.

    I'll be hosting again soon. Couple weeks probably.
  • fun game tonight. thanks for coming out everyone.

    sorry prophet 22, seriously worst run bad i've ever seen! rivered 5 times at least. AA<AK to end the night. #gotyourmoneyingood
  • trigs wrote: »
    fun game tonight. thanks for coming out everyone.

    sorry prophet 22, seriously worst run bad i've ever seen! rivered 5 times at least. AA<AK to end the night. #gotyourmoneyingood

    Spoken like a man who took those monies.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Spoken like a man who took those monies.

    Lol I got him once at least when river gave me a higher straight over straight. DJ hit the straight with AK vs AA.
  • Live poker is rigged.
  • trigs wrote: »
    fun game tonight. thanks for coming out everyone.

    sorry prophet 22, seriously worst run bad i've ever seen! rivered 5 times at least. AA<AK to end the night. #gotyourmoneyingood

    Prophet is used to being on the OTHER end of those river cards, so getting some back is just karma. Only wish I could have been there to see it.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Prophet is used to being on the OTHER end of those river cards, so getting some back is just karma. Only wish I could have been there to see it.

    Isn't that calling the kettle black!!!

    I will do a trip report later but a sneak preview, I won the side bet that Milo wouldn't show! :biggrin:

    Prophet 22
  • Awesome . . . happy to have helped. speaking of "help", now that the cat is out of the bag so to speak, I am always willing to listen to offers regarding FUTURE side bets of this nature.
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