best days and times for poker in the summer?

3 more days and i will be off for the summer again. unlike last summer, i will hopefully be playing a lot more poker this time around. i'm hoping to host some games in hamilton and was just curious for those who are interested, what would be the best days and times to host a game. i have literally zero obligations and can host pretty much whenever i want (but i'd prefer to avoid early morning start times since i'm usually up to at least 3am every night in the summer).

also, if anyone knows of any good poker series in the summer, please let me know. as of now, i'm wanting to head out to playground for their world cup of cards in august, but i'm also looking for other poker opportunities in july and august.


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  • In . . .
  • lol so no one cares when? i'll discuss with significant other and and establish a date soon. most likely a saturday evening i'd guess.
  • Thursday will likely get most attendance. People get booked up on summer weekends.

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  • trigs wrote: »
    lol so no one cares when? i'll discuss with significant other and and establish a date soon. most likely a saturday evening i'd guess.

    Of course we do. Your poll results clearly indicate a preference for weekend evenings. Just keep an eye on Moose's schedule if you want max attendance.

    Unlike SOME people, most of us don't have "absolutely no committments" and still have regular lives in the summer.

    F U Teachers!
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Of course we do. Your poll results clearly indicate a preference for weekend evenings. Just keep an eye on Moose's schedule if you want max attendance.

    Unlike SOME people, most of us don't have "absolutely no committments" and still have regular lives in the summer.

    F U Teachers!

    Oops, results weren't showing up for me for some reason.

    Yeah everyone hates me for getting summers off.
  • Hmmm no poll on crapatalk...

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  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Hmmm no poll on crapatalk...

    Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

    have never used it. not sure how it works.
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