Moose Cash Game - Sat. May 28, 7pm


This is just a social night against good competition and good friends. Rake free, HDTV, wifi, comfy table and chairs, high quality chips, beer fridge, dedicated dealer. This is one of the best cash games you will find.

Games start at 7 pm and end at midnight, unless noted.

Max buyin is $100 max, $40 min. Players may add on to the max at any time.

May 28 NL/Pineapple/PLO round by round

1. moose
2. Folded
3. jacnok
4. seekthegrail
5. kwsteve
6. Peteski
7. 90%Donkey aka bfillmaff
8. Get em
9. Robert



  • I'm good to go for this one. In. (100% this time. ;) )
  • Sweet. Game on.
  • If more people sign up today I will show this eve, its a lot of effort for me to play on Saturday nights lol
  • ^ getem I'm 90% just haven't confirmed yet. should be good for a couple buy ins... get on the list!
  • List updated
  • I'm in... don't come with 100 get'em because it will be a 810 departure.
  • Not sure how late I will stay but with pay off wizard supreme and jack and folded I cant miss this....I will show
  • Dont worry you will be home by 815 from the sounds of it
  • Folded playing omaha. Its like Christmas in the spring.
  • Who busts on first buy in bet for fun kid!? hahaha
    Bfillmaff wrote: »
    Dont worry you will be home by 815 from the sounds of it
  • nah, such a bet would be bad for the game. besides I play better on my third bullet!
  • Unless you are up against some random old lady

    Sent from my XT1064 using Tapatalk
  • In case anyone is interested, here is what Steve was talking about with the super group with Johnny Depp. Based on a celebrity drinking group formed by Alice Cooper in the 70s with Keith Moon and Ringo Starr as original members.
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