Cash Game - More than Two Cards - Apr. 28 Cambridge


This is just a social night against good competition and good friends. Rake free, HDTV, wifi, comfy table and chairs, high quality chips, beer fridge, dedicated dealer. This is one of the best cash games you will find.

Games start at 7 pm and end at midnight, unless noted.

Max buyin is $100 max, $40 min. Players may add on to the max at any time.

Apr. 28 More than Two Cards
1. moose
3. Jacnok
4. Datamn
5. Falloon
6. Richard
7. dave
8. STG
9. Peteski


May choose from a wide list of games, as long as the players get more than two cards.


  • More than 2 cards as in name the game? I will probably be able to make this haha!
  • moose wrote: »

    This is just a social night against good competition and good friends. Rake free, HDTV, wifi, comfy table and chairs, high quality chips, beer fridge, dedicated dealer. This is one of the best cash games you will find.

    Games start at 7 pm and end at midnight, unless noted.

    Max buyin is $100 max, $40 min. Players may add on to the max at any time.

    Apr. 28 More than Two Cards
    1. moose
    2. Getem
    3. Jacnok
    4. Datamn

    May choose from a wide list of games, as long as the players get more than two cards.

    I'll be there.

  • Falloon wrote: »
    I'll be there.


    I hope there's go fish
  • One seat avail for this thurs.
  • moose wrote: »
    One seat avail for this thurs.

    You do realize it is the 21st this Thursday???
  • No I didn't. I would have been wondering where everyone was. lol.

    Anyways. Game is full for NEXT Thurs.
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