Thurs Mar 24 PLO Cash Game Cambridge

$100 max

Good Friday the next day so this game will run as late as people wish to play.

Two Tables

1. Moose
2. woog30 L
3. Robert
4. Paul
5. bfillmaff
6. Drtyore
7. Joey leave early
8. Falloon
9. Peteski L
10. Seekthegrail
11. Kakanana
12. Datamn 8pm
13. Waltsfriend


  • in
    maybe a bit late
  • If everyone plays till they drop I will show after league around midnight HAHA, im good probably till wife wakes up around 6am!
  • In please
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    In please

    Just need to add drtyore and this game will roll.
  • Lol

    Ya ya, I'm in

  • im likely in, please pm address/ph # and starting time :)
  • Sign me up. Looks like I can make it out. I can be there for 7. Cheers, Steve
  • moose wrote: »
    $100 max

    Good Friday the next day so this game will run as late as people wish to play.

    1. Moose
    2. woog30 L
    3. Robert
    4. Paul
    5. bfillmaff
    6. Drtyore
    7. Joey 80%
    8. Jay

    My Thursday evening just opened up. :)
  • kakanana wrote: »
    im likely in, please pm address/ph # and starting time :)

    Sorry somehow I didn't get notice of your post in tapatalk.
    I will wait list you and pm if there is a noshow.
  • I haven't looked outside yet, and will likely have to reassess around 6, but the fact that my work told me to stay home due to weather puts question to my attendance.

  • Assuming no freeze out there are 4 NCAA games starting at 7:10. We doing the lines again?
  • Assuming the weather is OK put me on the waiting list too - although I won't be able to show up until around 8

  • I'm going to pass... give my seat to first in line

  • Lines yes. Weather is warming, rain should melt everything. WTF, why are these posts not showing up under 'new posts'?
    Seating is going to be somewhat fluid tonight with the weather and some coming late, others leaving early.
  • 7pm start. Will pm the wait list if there are no shows.
  • Rob, you can put me on the waitlist too. I wasn't going to sign up until I saw what the driving was going to be like, but I guess I waited too long.
  • Ok I can open a second table and maybe some more people will come out of the woodwork.
  • Dealer confirmed for table 1, other table will be self dealt.

    One table of PLO, other table can be NL holdem by player choice.
  • I formally rescind my earlier statement.

    See you tonight

  • I am tentative but would not be able to show until 8pm. Will update here or update the Doctor once I know my status.

  • I am inappropriately excited.

    Mark (the doctor)
  • Definitely need you on the wall of fame.
  • En route, should be there before 8
  • Datamn missing u. :(
  • Some shots from the crazy action last night.




    New addition to the wall of fame


    Filling in nicely

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