Hamilton/Milton Cash Game Wanted! :)

Hey guys,

My buddy and I are getting more and more into poker and are definitely interested in some slightly cheaper game options than the casino. I notice Card Dead and trigs in the past have offered cash games. This thread is just designed to see if we can get Card Dead, trigs, or anyone else that is up to it in the Hamilton or surrounding areas to offer a more affordable cash game.

We're from the Stoney Creek'ish area and I would guess we're willing to drive anywhere within roughly an hour.

Lol, not trying to sound impolite or anything, I realize it takes quite a bit to host a bunch of people and all that jazz, but my buddy there encouraged me to make a post like this so I thought I'd listen lol. The casino is really fun and all, but a 50cent/$1 game or a 25cent/50cent game would be pretty ideal for us. And maybe just maybe there's a few of you out there who wouldn't mind meeting me in real life after you've seen how strange I can be on the forum. Lol, I dunno, I'm just going by what compuease has said, he thinks I could possibly be the next trigs.

Anyways, if anyone can let me know about the possibility of organizing a game or perhaps even of an existing game that would be swell!


EDIT: I somehow missed some information already available. Moose seems to be hosting some games, I'll look into that but I guess if anyone has any more info that's cool.


  • FU Sard.


    In all seriousness though I have two events coming up in Cambridge Mar17/18 which is about 45 min from you.
  • Lol. Ya I just noticed and put an edit onto my OP after somehow not noticing. I noticed you mentioned in the thread a $40/$100 min/max, but sorry if this is a stupid question but what would that make the blinds at? I didn't notice if that was in the thread.
  • The Thurs game mar.17 is $3/6 limit omaha hi/lo with blinds of $1/3. Basically a little higher than the $2/5 limit game at Brantford casino.

    Regular nl or pl cash games are $.50/.50
  • If omaha is not your game, I really recommend the tourney of Fri Mar18, which will be a ton of fun.
  • Last time I bother you: Do you mean $.50/$1? I noticed in trigs thread he wrote .25/.25 as well and I thought that must be a mistake, am I missing something?
  • Most home cash games, you would almost never fold to the big blind anyways and since the games are not raked it makes no difference to the play and actually simplifies things if the blinds are the same.
  • I see, well thanks for the help moose and for letting me know about your cash game. It sounds awesome, I'll talk to my friend and once we both confirm we're available I'll be posting in your thread to put us down hopefully for the one at the end of this month.

    Have a great night!
  • Sounds fine.
  • moose runs a great game.

    i will most likely host another cash game in april.
  • I'll have one coming up in the near future as well, we typically play very low stakes. Hamilton mountain near Mohawk college - will keep you posted.
  • I was hoping to host a game this month, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen now.

    Any future games will be $1/$1 or $1/$2, no rake.
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