Milton Cash Game - Feb. 6th



  • Big 3 way all-in on the flop. Turn double suckout. River resuck.


    Card dead's QQ goes down in flames in another 3 way all-in.


    I take the $5 bounty by hitting my double gutter to stack Trigs. FU Trigs

  • Thanks for hosting card dead. Good times as always. Nice to finally meet pkrfce9 in person and watch him lose money :D Too bad I didn't get any of it.

    Moose, you should have framed that $5 chip ;)

    And sorry for flipping at least one card like every time I dealt lol.

    Haha. Fun game. Shitty results. Lather rinse repeat.

    Thanks for hosting.
  • It was my pleasure to host. It was a great mix of players and everyone was a super guest. My wife is very appreciative of that.

    I did some math, and at one point there was about $2200 on the table, which is really surprising for a $0.50/$1 game.

    Also, it was a very informative night. I learned a lot about how not to run a BAP. So thanks for the clinic on that.

    Thanks to everyone who came out.
  • sorry I missed, Back from south, keep me in mind for the next!

    Milton Slim
  • Ah, that explains it. Your absence was noticed.

    Hopefully you can make the next one.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Hopefully you can make the next one.

    Please invite Gwen...
  • Ya, I thought you were a little sweet on her. :D

    Next game will be sometime in March after my Sunday morning hockey is done. That was a rough go last week on 4 hrs sleep. Also gives me time to invest in better cards and chips and make a couple of changes.
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