Moose Cash Games - Jan/Feb 2016 - Cambridge


This is just a social night against good competition and good friends. Rake free, HDTV, wifi, comfy table and chairs, high quality chips, beer fridge, dedicated dealer. This is one of the best cash games you will find.

Games start at 7 pm and end at midnight, unless noted.

Max buyin is $100 max, $40 min. Players may add on to the max at any time.

Jan. 7 PLO/NL round by round
1. moose
2. woog30
3. jacnok
4. getem L t
5. STG L
6. drtyore

Jan. 21 HORSE $2/4 limit with full kill to $4/8
1. moose
2. datamn
3. woog30
4. carddead (7-9)
5. STG
6. Peteski

Feb. 4 '345' round by round, Lazy Pineapple, PLO, BigO
1. moose
2. datamn
3. woog30
4. jacnok t
5. getem
6. STG
7. Richard
8. Paul

Feb. 18 Dealers Choice
1. moose
2. Robert
3. woog30
4. carddead (7-9)
5. Richard
7. Paul
8. getem76
9. Jay t
10. peteski


  • I should be good to make the 4th....I could say this week and be late but there is no promises to that at all.
  • Late is fine since we used to start at 9pm.
  • I have updated the lists so far.
  • Sign me up for all. Might be a bit late this Thursday the 7th but should be there by 7:30 at the latest. Cheers, Steve
  • BTW it is a firm 4 for this Thursday so the back up plan would be OFC $1/point. If that is not cool, let me know. If more people sign up, the game will run as posted.
  • I'll take a spot tonight if it's open

  • I would love to play , if someone is having a cash game , texas hold em ?
    Thank you for your time :)
  • The games are listed in op. Sign up for the ones you wish to play.
  • HORSE this Thursday.
  • I can make it tomorrow from 7 until 830 again.
  • I'm going to be late tomorrow night.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    I can make it tomorrow from 7 until 830 again.

    Sorry Moose, have to bail for tonight due to last minute developments. Sorry for the short notice.
  • I would play if it was just holdem
  • Bumpity. Also started a meetup group. Game Thurs. 7 pm.

    If you could join (free) so it looks like we have some members, I would appreciate it.
  • Done. Which site do you want us to use for RSVP-ing?
  • I'm not really going to use the meetup site, since I have to pay to host a meetup group. I'm just trying to collect a few new players and then will shut it down in 6 months. But if you are going to a game, also RSVP on meetup so the list is accurate.
  • Also I have a limit of 50, so if I happen to get close don't be offended if I kick out the members I already know personally.
  • You know, it cost 5x as much to acquire a new client as it does to retain an existing client.

    Just sayin.
  • moose wrote: »
    Also I have a limit of 50, so if I happen to get close don't be offended if I kick out the members I already know personally.

  • I need some members so it looks like a happening meetup otherwise new people won't sign up. However I am really just looking to find new players. An unlimited meetup group costs even more, so if the group happens to fill, I am going to kick out the people I actually know from the meetup group so there is room for new people to sign up. That would be a good thing.
  • I signed up for the meetup. Feel free to kick me if you need to.
  • Yes thanks to all who have already signed up.
  • So if I get booted, what's the severance package?
  • I'll let you hit the Fuck button.
  • Joined - feel free to bump me when necessary (Wiggy)
  • I will be a new client is u guys ever have just a hold em game. Cash
  • Nl will be back in the rotation in the next set of games for Mar and Apr
  • Perfect ! Thanks. Keep me posted. ;)
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