OAPL $70 satellite to fallsview $550 super satellite nov 28 11am

This will be a $70 entry and will be played as a satellite to the $550 Fallsview Poker Classic $5k Main Event super satellite. Currently the dates have not been confirmed, however the winner is still expected to try to arrange to play the tournament. In the event that the tournament winner is unable to play the satellite the cash can be considered regular tournament winnings with no strings attached or a satellite ticket can be purchased and possibly sold for more. This is not an equity tournament and players winning a seat to the super satellite will not be responsible for paying any equity if they cash. The tournament structure for this satellite will be directly copied from the actual satellite structure for best results.

We will require a minimum of 8 players to run this tournament!

The tournament details are as follows

Starting stack: $5,000 chips

Blinds: 30 minutes

Antes: yes

Blind structure:

25 - 50

50 - 100

100 - 200 ante 25

150 - 300 ante 25


200 - 400 ante 50

300 - 600 ante 50

400 - 800 ante 100

600 - 1200 ante 100


800 - 1600 ante 100

1000 - 2000 ante 200

1500 - 3000 ante 200

2000 - 4000 ante 500


3000 - 6000 ante 1000

4000 - 8000 ante 1,000

The payout structure will be as follows

8 players - 1st $560

9 players - 1st $550 2nd $80

10 Players - 1st $550 2nd $150

11 players - 1st $550 2nd $220

12 Players - 1st $550 2nd $290

13 players - 1st $550 2nd $260 3rd $100

14 players - 1st $550 2nd $290 3rd $140

15 Players - 1st $550 2nd $320 3rd $180

16 Players - 1st $560 2nd $560

17 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $90

18 Players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $160

19 Players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $230

20 Players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $300

21 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $270 4th $100

22 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $300 4th $140

23 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $330 4th $180

24 players - 1st $560 2nd $560 3rd $560

25 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $550 4th $100

26 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $550 4th $170

27 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $550 4th $240

28 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $550 4th $310

29 players - 1st $550 2nd $550 3rd $550 4th $280 5th $100

30 players- 1st $550 2nd $5503rd $550 4th $310 5th $140

Sign Up list

1. Irunit4times
2. Alberto
3. Kevin
4. Blondefish
5. Teo
6. Robert


  • #@$!!#$ - I am away this weekend. Please run another one, good luck to those that play.
  • i can't play the main, but i just want to say that i am glad someone is running satellites for live tournaments on this forum again.
  • Come on out and play it for a cash prize there's no equity so winner does as they want with winnings.
  • Come on out and play it for a cash prize there's no equity so winner does as they want with winnings.

    i would but can't this weekend. too busy.
  • Okay everyone, we have 4 players listed and we need a minimum of 8 to run it, is there 4 more people interested in playing tomorrow?
  • Last minute sign ups! We are now at 6 for a last minute game, all players are okay so far to split the difference so $90-$95 each for a winner take all, or some players have even suggested interest in a double buy in for top 2. We need a minimum of 8 to run it at $70 but we will run this game with less and an increased buy in. Any last minute players thinking of coming out please sign up as soon as possible.
  • Thank you for all those who came. The final results are as follows.
    6. Alberto
    5. Robert
    4. Blondefish
    3. Kevin
    2. Teo
    1. Irunit4times
  • rigged!

    glad you got this going, I couldn't make it but wanted to.. Love that the games are running again!
  • Hmmmmm... Last minute winner-take-all game where the host wins?

    Methinks there is mischief afoot.
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