HPT Upcoming Events

Golf season is winding down, so time to start up the poker tourneys again. Hopefully, I get the same numbers again this season, as I have in years past. The following are the dates I am hoping to run, but they may change if something comes up. All tournaments are on Saturday and will start at 1:30.

December 5
January 2
February 20
March 19
April 9


  • I for one and looking forward to playing one of these again. Thanks for posting Buzzard, I am sure many others are happy to have you hosting again.
  • Pick one of those Saturdays at random, start it at 3 and I can probably show up for it 1:30 is too tight
  • I have been waiting a long time to see this posting. Really looking forward to getting back at it

    count me in
  • getem76 wrote: »
    Pick one of those Saturdays at random, start it at 3 and I can probably show up for it 1:30 is too tight

    Too many old people playing. If we started later we would need a two hour nap break before final table.
  • That's fine, take your nap dude, haha my Saturdays are starting at 5, there is no way I can escape work before 2
  • Looking forward to these tournaments, see you soon.
  • Please note, January tournament has been moved to the 2nd. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    December 5
    January 2
    February 20
    March 19
    April 9
  • Well Buzz, I take back all my griping about your schedule now that you've changed the January date. Originally, you had every tourney on the one Saturday each month where I have unchangeable plans. Now it looks like I can finally make one of these. I must be due for a rungood!
  • Can't possibly be due for any rungood. Karma is a bitch and you definitely have bad karma right now. I'm in too buzzard, Only to bust glenn and take his money! See you there.
  • Sometimes we have to go to the bathroom a lot too.
    But that "DEPENDS"

    Milton Slim

    Hope to get out in the new year as well!
  • Can't possibly be due for any rungood. Karma is a bitch and you definitely have bad karma right now. I'm in too buzzard, Only to bust glenn and take his money! See you there.

    Not if I get to him first.... See you guys there on Saturday. Glenn maybe only for a short time..:D
  • Sorry, to disappoint my loyal fans, but I won't be at the first one. Hoping to make Jan 2 tho.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Sorry, to disappoint my loyal fans, but I won't be at the first one. Hoping to make Jan 2 tho.

  • how do i go about finding the password for the free roll on american card room for tomorrow?
    i would like to play with you all if i may.
  • how do i go about finding the password for the free roll on american card room for tomorrow?
    i would like to play with you all if i may.

    Where did you get this information from? Nowhere does it say freeroll........
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Golf season is winding down, so time to start up the poker tourneys again. Hopefully, I get the same numbers again this season, as I have in years past. The following are the dates I am hoping to run, but they may change if something comes up. All tournaments are on Saturday and will start at 1:30.

    December 5
    January 2
    February 20
    March 19
    April 9

    I hate you Royal Cup people. I will still be running a tourney April 9th, whether the Royal runs or not.
  • Fear not, your date is safe
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Fear not, your date is safe

  • No. Prognosticator!
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