OAPL $130 satellite to $1,000 Fallsview Poker Classic Equity Tournament! Nov 21st 5pm

This will be a $130 entry and will be played as a satellite to the $1,100 Fallsview Poker Classic Main Event. Currently the dates have not been confirmed, however the winner is still expected to try to arrange to play the tournament. In the event that the tournament winner is unable to play the event, they are expected to pay out their equity portion from the winning amount. So for instance, because this is a 90/10 equity tournament, where the winner of this satellite agrees to go to the Fallsview Classic and represent the players of the OAPL and 90% of any money won would go to the player, the remaining 10% would be split between the satellite participants. If the winner player is unable to play in the event, there will be a $100 equity that would be due and payable back to all eligible players of the satellite.

We will require a minimum of 9 players to run this tournament!

The tournament details are as follows

Starting stack: $10,000 chips

Blinds: 25 minutes

Antes: yes

Blind structure:

50 - 100

75 - 150

75 - 150 ante 25


100 - 200 ante 25

150 - 300 ante 50

200 - 400 ante 50


250 - 500 ante 75

300 - 600 ante 75

400 - 800 ante 100

Break - colour up

500 - 1000 ante 100

600 - 1200 ante 200

800 - 1600 ante 200


1000 - 2000 ante 300

1200 - 2400 ante 400

1500 - 3000 ante 500

Break - Colour up

2000 - 4000 ante 500

3000 - 6000 ante 1000

4000 - 8000 ante 1,000

The payout structure will be as follows

9 players - 1st $1,170

10 Players - 1st $1,100 2nd $200

11 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $330

12 Players - 1st $1,100 2nd $460

13 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $430 3rd $160

14 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $510 3rd $220

15 Players - 1st $1,100 2nd $550 3rd $310

16 Players - 1st $1,100 2nd $600 3rd $380

17 players - 1st $1,105 2nd $1,105

18 Players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $140

19 Players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $270

20 Players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $400

21 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $530

22 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $470 4th $190

23 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $530 4th $260

24 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $580 4th $340

25 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $650 4th $400

26 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $1,100 4th $80

27 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $1,100 4th $210

28 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $1,100 4th $340

29 players - 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $1,100 4th $470

30 players- 1st $1,100 2nd $1,100 3rd $1,100 4th $400 5th $200

Sign Up list

1. Irunit4times
2. Djgolfcan
3. Bfillmaff
4. Frank J
5. Alberto
6. blondefish
7. carddead
8. Paul
9. pocket twos
10. Sterling/relly
11. Don
12. Robert
13. Devan
14. giancarlo (t)
15. John C (t)


  • Hopefully this time there is enough notice to schedule it and have a good turnout.
  • Note that it was a $1,100 buy-in last year. Since it sold out, Fallsview's alternatives are to allow > 1,200 entries or increase the buy-in.

    Since the WPT uses high antes starting in Level 3, you may want to consider using the same blind structure to give the players the best chance of cashing.
  • Buy in and payouts have been corrected, and blind structure has been adjusted to match wpt fallsview exact structure for tournament. Thank you blondefish for bringing these to my attention so it can be changed for the improvement of the tournament.
  • Thank you blondefish for bringing these to my attention so it can be changed for the improvement of the tournament.
    You're welcome. As you probably know, you'll have to find players outside of the forum to get at least nine interested players, but I'll share the link to your Meetup page about this legal satellite to my Facebook and other friends.
  • That's great thanks blondefish. I'm confident that we will be able to get enough players together.
  • Add Paul (Rocco) to the list. Met him at a Brantford Tourney last Sunday and we have hung out together at Casino Niagara this past week. Good guy and good player.
  • I will attend...thanks!

    ps. I need directions...pm please
  • The $1,100 WPT FPC event will start on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 and finish on the 19th.
  • Pockettwos, what is your name so I can add you to the list? Are you Giancarlo?
  • Thanks blondefish for the update!
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    The $1,100 WPT FPC event will start on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 and finish on the 19th.

    Neil M
  • Oh Okay great, sorry about that.
  • It looks as if I may be able to get a few more players out to this tournament if the time is pushed back to 7pm. Is there anyone here who would have any issue with me pushing the start time back to allow for more players? Please let me know. Thanks everyone.
  • no prob here
  • 7pm is fine with me as well - I cannot speak for Paul, I'll let him know tomorrow and post
  • 7 is actually better for me. Now I can go to the 4pm at Mohawk and bust out in time to make this game too. Awesome!
  • I personally prefer 5 pm, but I can still drive to Fallsview whenever I finish. Several people I know were interested after I posted your Meetup link on my Facebook, so please update them on the time.
    It looks as if I may be able to get a few more players out to this tournament if the time is pushed back to 7pm.
  • Well it looks like we can get more people with a 7pm starts without affecting anyone who said yes previously so I will move the time to 7pm then. Thanks everyone.
  • I wanted to hear thoughts on whether making this a reentry satellite fir the first 3 or 4 levels is okay with players, a no go or if people could care less?
  • Don't change formats after people sign up. Freeze out this time, change to re-buy / re-entry from the start.
  • I will try to support whatever you decide to run.
  • I'm not changing anything to the format. These games are always for the players and are designed to attract maximum value. When something catches my eye or ear I put the questions out to the group for feedback. If it is your wish to keep it as is this is fine. I make any and all changes in the intenation to improve the game or attract the most players. Just like the time push back. I am not a casino and the game is never set in stone but rather may be adjusted on the idea of a majority rule and best interest of the game.
  • We are now up to 12 Players. Are there any last minute additions to be added? Plenty of seats available.
  • 13 players confirmed and a few fence sitters, anyone who hasn't expressed any interest this far thinking they can make it out tonight? The more the merrier!
  • Results as follows:

    12. Bfillmaff
    11. John C.
    10. Irunit4times
    9. Frank j
    8. Djgolfcan
    7. Alberto
    6. Robert
    5. Devan
    4. Don M.
    3. Carddead
    2. Pockettwos
    1. Blondefish

    Congratulations to blondefish for winning the first $1,100 satellite to the fallsview poker classic.
  • Congrats Blondefish on your seat win! Thanks for hosting Irunit4times! Great group!,
  • thanks alex for hosting and congrats buddy!
  • Surprised Bfillmaff was 1st out! :)
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