OAPL back in action $80 deepstack tournament Nov. 1st 12pm noon! 20k stack

OAPL presents the back in action $80 deepstack tournament.

Date - Sunday November 1st at 12pm noon.

Location - Waterdown / hwy6 and hwy 5 area. message for details

Buy in - $80

Game - NLHE

Starting Stack - 20k

Blinds - 25 minutes

Blind Levels

25 - 50

50 - 100

100 - 200


200 - 400 25 ante

300 - 600 50 ante

400 - 800 50 ante


500 - 1000 100 ante

600 - 1200 100 ante

800 - 1600 200 ante


1000 - 2000 200 ante

1500 - 3000 300 ante

2000 - 4000 400 ante


3000 - 6000 500 ante

4000 - 8000 500 ante

5000 - 10,000 1,000 ante


7000 - 14,000 1,000 ante

10,000 - 20,000 2,000 ante

25,000 - 50,000 5,000 ante


  • Sign up list

    1. Irunit4times
    2. Carddead
    3. Gerald
    4. Steve N
    5. Bfillmaff
    6. Don
    7. Robert
    8. Trigs (t)
    9. Msblue (t)
    10. Kevin (t)
  • depends on how late i'm out on saturday night (halloween party in toronto that night). most likely i'll be way too tired but if i'm up in time i'll come down. don't even put me as tentative. if there's no spots left then too bad for me.
  • trigs wrote: »
    most likely i'll be way too tired but if i'm up in time i'll come down

    Don't worry, we don't mind if you're tired. Man up and we'll see you Sunday!
  • Hey trigs, there is another player name kevin btw just in case you were wondering. But I feel like if I list you as T then you may be more likely to not want to disappooint lol.... therefore listed as T.... as bfill said, see you sunday ;)
  • Gotta go to my Mom's this Sunday. Will try to attend the next one.
  • No worries DJ, we will see you at another one.
  • Just a note, I am going to want a minimum of 9 to run a deepstack event and make it worthwhile. Anybody considering and on the fence please let me know asap so we can firm up numbers and hopefully crack into 2 tables.

    Thank you

  • Well folks, it looks like I am going to have to cancel to game for tomorrow. Thank you to those that were interested, but with 7 I can just not run the game as a deepstack.

    I will keep everyone posted for future games.
  • Could not have made it anyway but just saw this now. This list has been a little slow lately so I don't check it so often.
  • sorry for not committing. i wouldn't have made it though. was out until 5am so was not in the mood to be playing the next day lol.
  • I will try to give more notice next time! Very busy with work and really depends on my wifes schedule in order to play, but I will do my best.
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