Waterloo Poker Classic - July 24th, 2015


The Waterloo Poker Classic is about bringing people together. Our events are for the community and by the community. Our team of dedicated volunteers do not make any money by putting together our extremely special poker events. This results in the best poker experience money can't buy.

It also results in a tournament where every penny invested by players in the form of an entry fee is 100% allocated to the prize pool. Our dealers are volunteers, our tournament directors are volunteers, and even our venues are volunteered. To borrow from legendary investor Dr. Burton Malkiel, at our games, you actually get what you don't pay for.



[a few more details to add from personal experience]
I played in the last one and it was really well run and great buffet too !
Around 10 tables to start so it was nice to try out a big game like that locally.


  • Sounds interesting. Anyone have any experience with this group?

    Other details that would have been useful...
    100 for a ticket includes buffet
    10 deposit up front via credit card
    They use squarespace for credit processing. I don't know anything about that company. Comments?
  • This has been brought up before. It's tech guys and their friends. The ability level has been said to be terrible. It was an invite only tourney. I guess we have been invited?

    I think the 10 bucks is your buffet and the tourney is 100
  • Was invite only.
    I'm guessing, now that they tweet it out, not so much...
  • I'd like to know starting stack, blinds and blind levels. If its 30min or more, I'm in
  • Ya, that info would be helpful.
  • Someone replied to my tweet. He said they think they do deep stack (5000 chips) and 15 minute blinds.
  • I may actually be free for this, but really hope the blinds are in error. Given 100 players at 5K each, and a generous blind schedule, I'd imagine ~15-16 levels to complete the tournament, which is right around 4 hours to play from 100 to 1.

    That's seems insanely fast.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    I may actually be free for this, but really hope the blinds are in error. Given 100 players at 5K each, and a generous blind schedule, I'd imagine ~15-16 levels to complete the tournament, which is right around 4 hours to play from 100 to 1.

    That's seems insanely fast.

    I agree, I hope that is an error as well. I have asked for the structure to be e-mailed to me. I will share it as soon as I get it
  • I wouldn't be surprised. The tourney is more about networking than poker.
  • It was at least 20 min blinds, I thought the pace was pretty good.
  • I've played with their gold sponsor at FV and Seneca many times before. Decent player but not the kind of guy I want to hang out with.

    Looks like it's 5k starting stack and 15 min blinds, which is believable for a game starting after work. I doubt it'll run past midnight.
  • I've dealt in this and played a few times. Fun night with lots of guys....food is FREE it is 100% money back to the prize pool, sponsors pay for the food (Heffner Toyota if anyone needs a car look me up). Having said that it is quite quick with the blinds. (but the play is medium to low).
  • I played the last one. It IS largely for networking in the tech industry so the luck factor is fairly high and the skill level is, uh, variable. However, the folks are friendly and although the blinds are only 15 minutes, they use 2 decks at each table and all the shuffling is done by the players, so you actually see a lot of hands. It is probably equivalent to 25 minute blinds in a 'self deal' tournament. However $100 is a lot for such high variability. I work in the tech sector so I'll probably go again.
  • Any one know it sell out or can we just show up and play or not?
  • JackyBB: It usually sells out. They like you to register beforehand and pay the $10 (which goes towards your entry). It is a lot of work to organize so they like to have an idea of how many are participating. Now this game is the middle of the summer so it might not be as popular so you could drop by and see, but I wouldn't count on getting a seat.
  • Was thinking of signing up... anyone else playing?
  • Heard it is sold out at 100 players now so those looking to sign up at the door may have to hope there are no shows.
  • Funny, I heard that too...
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »

    guess nobody went?

    Looked decent, but by the time I got around to signing up it was sold out.
  • Jimmy flushed a hundo.
  • 109 players. Made it to first break, then shoved 9BB w 58d and got called by K10off.

    Would recommend it. Great venue and nice organizers.
  • What was the payout, and how many got paid?
  • I had to cancel because friends came into town. They pay the top 10 I think and the top prize is around $5000. 100 players X $100.
  • I think top was around $3,500.
  • JimmyHo wrote: »
    109 players. Made it to first break, then shoved 9BB w 58d and got called by K10off.

    Would recommend it. Great venue and nice organizers.

    I heard a few seats left, get em while you can. NOV 6 event that is.

    REGISTER ? Waterloo Poker Classic
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