Moose - Cambridge - Cash Game - Fri Jul 17


This is just a social night against good competition and good friends. Rake free, HDTV, wifi, comfy table and chairs, high quality chips, beer fridge, dedicated dealer. This is one of the best cash games you will find.

Max buyin has been raised to $100 max, $40 min for this year. Players may add on to the max at any time.

Cash games are now on Friday nights for the summer. Now with unlimited overnight parking!

Fri. Jul 17: 'Omahugi/Dramaha' ** 7 pm start ** round by round $2/4 w half kill

1. moose
2. jacnok
3. woog30
4. seekthegrail
5. Torontopimp
6. Bfillmaff
7. Juan


Buckle up, these games are a lot of fun.

Omahugi is a split pot game, best Badugi and best Omaha hand, using two cards from your hand and two from the board for both hands.

Dramaha is a split pot game, best 5 card single draw hand, split with best Omaha hand, using two cards and the board.


  • Sign me up. Cheers, Steve
  • In please
  • In please.
  • Never played either of these games but ....WTF........ I am in.

    Whats the most someone has lost at your home game ?? Just so i know how much to bring.
  • Never played either of these games but ....WTF........ I am in.

    Whats the most someone has lost at your home game ?? Just so i know how much to bring.

    Bring three bullets. I lost one buy in the first hand once.

  • I had a guy drop about 500, go to the bank machine, drop another 500, then make it all back in one orbit. 😀 But these games can be challenging, so they are limit so 3 bills should be good.
  • Yeah the PL variant is super fun and makes for some good stack punting opportunities. You'll be more than fine in the Limit games.

    Oh and there's this I came up with.... started off as a joke but now I want to play:


    Preflop: Dealt 5 cards. Standard SB and BB, plus an "ante" of x BB for a Badugi side pot.

    Badugi antes are collected and remain a fixed side pot for the whole hand (ie no further betting on the Badugi hand).

    Flop: Round of betting, followed by a draw.

    Turn: Round of betting, no draw.

    River: Round of betting, no draw.


    Best 5 Card Draw hand wins 1/2 pot.
    Best PLO hand wins 1/2 pot.
    Best Badugi hand *from your 5 card hand only* wins the fixed side pot.
  • oh and in for Friday.
  • Any interest in Wings 5:30ish?

    Ali s bar and grill
  • moose wrote: »
    Any interest in Wings 5:30ish?

    Ali s bar and grill

    Not this time. See you at 7.
  • sorry moose gotta bail tonight. next one.
  • Hey moose,

    I need to cancel for tonight.
  • Guys, if you have never played at casino de moose you are missing out.

    i played tonight for the first time and played two games i have never even heard of and had a blast.

    a good bunch of guys, comfy chairs and the best chip collection i have ever seen.
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