1/2 nlhe home game London Ontario

I am hosting a 1/2 nlhe home game on Friday July 17th at 7:00 pm in the white oaks area. All are welcome. There is no rake and the minimum buy in is $50. Message me or post here if you want the address and a spot on the list.


  • No interest? Perhaps lower stakes?
  • Interested but it's the same date as Moose's game. Stakes are fine for me but I'm OK with lower if that gets more people.
  • Awesome; I'm certainly open to another day if that works for people. I'd also be down for alternate stakes or even a different game (plo or whatever) if there is sufficient interest.
  • Id be interested in 1/2 and lower stakes and PLO and weekends are best for me as my schedule changes a lot
  • sweet! If I can get 5 people confirmed (and myself) maybe I will try to host on Saturday the 15th, either .25/.50 NLHE or .5/1 NLHE. Min buy in $10 or $20 respectively. Feel free to PM me contact info if you don't check this forum a ton. Rake free obviously.
  • I'd be interested if the game was bigger, like $1-1 or 1-2, or $.50-1 with bigger buyins.
  • Well it's just the min buy in not the max but I am game for whatever.
  • got some people off kijiji too so am gonna host next saturday, everyone should come out it's gonna be a good game.
  • Any more plans for home games in London?
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