Orono game raided.

Not sure how much is known about the Orono game but according to Don Gardiner it was shut down recently. This is part of an email I received from Don. He runs a legit Lions club tournament semi regularly.

Hello Members:
By now most of you will be aware that the Ontario Provincial Police conducted a raid at last Friday night’s poker tournament in Orono Ontario. A number of our players were in attendance. No charges of being a Found In were laid however the people conducting the tournament have been or will be charged under the Criminal Code of Canada.
I want to assure you that the way the tournament in Orono was conducted is completely different from the way the Newmarket Lions Club tournament is conducted. Much of it is in relation to the transparency of the financial conduct of the organizers.
Many of you are aware that about four years ago the Ontario Provincial Police responded to a complaint that our tournament was illegal. We were investigated and no warnings or charges were laid. In fact the O.P.P. reported our tournament as being well run. (above board)


  • A legit tournament? What is that?
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    A legit tournament? What is that?
    Sorta like your a legit programmer or troll?
  • I vote troll

    P.S. Is English your second language?
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »

    P.S. Is English your second language?

    Yup . . . his first language is BANHAMMMER
  • O











  • What are they being charged with? Were they taking rake?
  • Likely the usual Gaming house charges will be laid. Unusual in that players are usually charged as "found-ins" in order to get their cooperation in naming the owners.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Likely the usual Gaming house charges will be laid. Unusual in that players are usually charged as "found-ins" in order to get their cooperation in naming the owners.

    I was at the game. It was really weird seeing all the cops come in. As a player they just took our IDs and took our pictures. We were warned not to get found at any other illegal games.

    They were taking a rake. Plus they had side cash games that aren't allowed. And I heard a couple of the cops talking and they were more concerned about all the booze that was being sold, because they had no liquor licence.

    I heard that the guy that runs it is getting charged 25 grand, plus his wife is getting charged another 25 grand and also their son is getting charged too. Plus the bartender for serving without a license.
  • Those fines sound about right for the liquor violations. Too bad.
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