Moose - Cambridge - Cash Game - Fri May 29


This is just a social night against good competition and good friends. Rake free, HDTV, wifi, comfy table and chairs, high quality chips, beer fridge, dedicated dealer. This is one of the best cash games you will find.

Max buyin has been raised to $100 max, $40 min for this year. Players may add on to the max at any time.

Cash games are now on Friday nights for the summer. Now with unlimited overnight parking!

Fri. May 29: Dealers Choice ** 7 pm start **

1. moose
2. woog30
3. seekthegrail
4. peteski


  • BumpBump. Hey summer poker, starts early, ends late, bring some beers, dealers choice, play some fun games. What's not to like?
  • I've had to move my game from Thursdays this summer due to a conflict with a team I am coaching.

    Friday night seemed to be a popular idea when I polled people at my game and at the last Royal Cup.

    However signups have been thin at best. Please consider playing tomorrow if you haven't been out for a while. If 7pm doesn't work for you, it is possible to come later if the game is not full.

    I know summer Fridays can be hit or miss because people are busy. If you can't come this Friday but would in the future let me know. If another day, like Sat night works better, let me know.

    It is important to me to keep this cash game running. In my opinion it is the best non-raked cash game you will find.


  • Game 7 has been requested and will be on the big screen.
  • i would like to come out to a game of yours this summer (preferably PLO), but it won't be until july/august, and it doesn't really matter what day for me then as i'll half two months off.
  • Yeah count me in for almost all of the Friday games - was just the first few that didn't work for me.
  • I am up for this even 3 or 4 handed. I will be there for 7. Maybe some OFC and we can enjoy a few drinks and game seven on the big screen!
  • Having the TV is a big plus for doing something at my house but I would also be up for the Cave (7pm tourney) but their TV sucks or Brantford for some craps.

    Juan is considering coming but he hasn't confirmed yet.
  • We are playing 4 handed Chinese right and will switch to dealer's choice if a 5th wants to come later.
  • 5 handed now
  • moose wrote: »
    5 handed now

    you playing chinese or DC.. and are u guys playing any much longer?
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