Home Tourney (no rake) - Oakville May 23rd

Hi folks,

I am planning a tourney for Saturday, May 23, starting at 7:30pm.

We can accommodate 16 players (two tables of 8) and have the following:

1. Tammi
2. Sonny
3. Jon
4. Teck
5. Graz
6. Joe
7. Mike (T)
8. Drew (T)
9. Jared
10. Jory
11. Brent (T)
12. Chris

Starting stack will be 10,000, 20 min blinds 25/50.

Buy-in is $60.00, includes a $10.00 bounty, one re-buy during the first three levels ($50.00, no extra bounty) and a 10,000 chip top up at the end of three levels for $15.00.

Bring your own booze, snacks will be provided (chips, pretzels, some hot apps) soft drinks/water will be available also.

FYI, for those who know where I work, be advised that a couple of co-workers will be in attendance.




  • oh yeah...cash game after/during...obv
  • Damn, can't make this one. Had a great time at the last one, highly recommend!
  • Agreed, Tammi and Sonny are wonderful hosts and the game is a good one. Damned sister-in-law is turning 50 on the same day or I would donate.
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