Saturday Night $20+R Home Game - Hamilton - Apr 11 @ 8:00PM


Hamilton Mountain.
(35 min from Cambridge, 45 min from Brampton, 50 min from Guelph)
Parking is available on the side street.

Start Time

8PM, Saturday Apr 11th. Cards in the air for 8:15.
Second game or small cash game to follow, based on interest.

Buy In

$20 Buy In
Unlimited Rebuys for the first 90 Minutes.
Late Registration is available during the re-buy period.


All games are rake free.
100% of all buy-ins and re-buys will be added to the pot.
Payouts based on number of entries:

4-6 Players: 1st 80% 2nd 20%
7-11 Players: 1st 55% 2nd 30% 3rd 15%
12-18 Players: 1st 45% 2nd 29% 3rd 17% 4th 9%
19-24 Players: 1st 40% 2nd 27% 3rd 17% 4th 10% 5th 6%

Game Details:

Starting Stack: 15000 chips.
Rebuys: 15000 chips.
Blinds will increase every 15 Minutes.
Tournament will run approx 3-4 Hours.


This is a casual home game for 20 bucks... consider it your chance to one chip raise, live-quad-straddle, or rabbit hunt to your hearts content. No string bets or talking about hands in play. Dead Button rule will be used.

Drinking is allowed and encouraged, but don't drink and drive. Smoking area in the sun-porch.



1. Andrew
2. Q
3. G
4. D
5. R
6. T
7. pkrfce9
8. djgolfcan
9. moose (t)
10. The Prophet 22
11. Kevin
12. Christine


  • I'm itching for a fun game and this might just fit the bill. I'll probably need your address again. And some diet tips.
  • Hey I'd love to come, can you just PM me your address? Put me on the list i'll be there
  • Hey Zaki, welcome to the forum. Where are you in Hamilton?
  • Thanks, I live by McMaster in westdale, about 5 minutes from downtown. I've lived in Hamilton a few years now so I know the bus routes pretty well, it shouldnt be a problem for me to get to the mountain
  • Pm Addy. Might be able to make it. Like 40%
  • moose wrote: »
    Pm Addy. Might be able to make it. Like 40%

    If I've learned anything from poker its that 40% always gets there... So see you tonight!
  • Man, you always do these when my wife is off, and not only off, but insists on date nights when you usually host games. Why Andrew, why?

    I would totally be there otherwise, with Greg coming, I coulda bluffed my way to the final 4 for sure =)
  • You can bring a date
  • Looks like the 2nd table is coming out, sweet!

    Alex I have a "contractor issue that requires immediate attention" so tell your wife I'm sorry.
  • hey me and a buddy are interested, let me know if room is still available.
  • going to the movies tonight, as expensive as that is I think im still way ahead going to the movies tonight lol... maybe I can convince her to let me out afterwards for cash game, maybe? lol
  • going to the movies tonight, as expensive as that is I think im still way ahead going to the movies tonight lol... maybe I can convince her to let me out afterwards for cash game, maybe? lol
    1. Use visa checkout
    2. Wife gets free admission
    3.. Parlay savings into poker game
    4. Profit?
  • Too drunk to drive ATM. Club had $2 drink special all aft.
  • How did the game turn out?? Any huge coolers, or great memorable plays? I love discussing poker as a whole and talking about hands in general, the theory behind the game is extremely interesting to me
  • Zaki wrote: »
    How did the game turn out?? Any huge coolers, or great memorable plays? I love discussing poker as a whole and talking about hands in general, the theory behind the game is extremely interesting to me

    Had a great time, thanks to all for coming.

    The table draw was pretty funny with all of the regulars from my usual game, plus pkrfce9, at table #2, leaving all the forumers sitting at table #1. This led to our table making 4-5 early rebuys while the table # 1 just nitted it up waiting for the tables to break >:D>:D. My guys seemed to enjoy shipping fresh stacks into Greg every time he flopped trips, and I had doubled up early with 66 spiking a 6 AIPF vs KK, but all the re-buys meant Greg and I had huge stacks in comparison to everyone else.

    Few more bustouts later we find ourselves down to 5, and since you mentioned coolers... Raised pot between 1st and 2nd chip leaders, I'm out of position and flop top set on a 7x3c5c board. Check to the raiser, Greg bets big and I call. Turn is another 3 making me the full house, I check to let Greg bet again and he does. After a quick check of what he's got left behind I see he's committed and ship it. He calls quickly and turns over Ac2c for the nut flush draw w/ straight flush draw. Straight flush doesn't get there and those sweet sweet pkrfce9 chips are pushed my direction. Pretty much a coast into heads up after that, and eventually chopped in my favor.

    10 Entries, 6 Rebuys

    1. Bfillmaff $150
    2. Christine $120
    3. djgolfcan $50
    4. The Prophet 22
    5. pkrfce9
    6. R
    7. D
    8. Kevin
    9. Q
    10. T
  • Chopped? Wtf? You had like a 10 - 1 chip lead god dammit!
  • Note 4 guys from 1st weight challenge were there. And 3 from the second. Huge!
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Note 4 guys from 1st weight challenge were there. And 3 from the second. Huge!

    Well not as huge as they used to be I hope...;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well not as huge as they used to be I hope...;)

    Well we still needed 2 tables so........
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