Poker Tourny in Brantford area

I am new to the forum and am running a tourny on Sunday May 3rd at 2pm in the Brantford area. $60 freezeout with food included BYOB. If interested please email me at for directions and more details. Hoping to get 50 runners with about 10 confirmed already. Cash game after.


  • I edited my original numbers for entrants and confirmed as I kind of jumped the gun so to speak. Still hoping for a 50 man tourny with a cash game after. Sorry for the edit.
  • Is the entire $60 buy-in going to the prize pool ? Also, what are the blind levels and structure
  • It is going to be a fairly deep structure with 20k to 30k in chips to start and atleast 20 minute blind levels. As far as rake we are just taking enough to cover food and equipment rentals which should equate to around 95% of buy in going towards the prize pool. These numbers are not definite yet but I will post them once they are.
  • 50*60*.05=1 pretty sad food and equipment setup

    But I do wish you luck with this. We need more good local tourneys.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    50*60*.05=1 pretty sad food and equipment setup

    But I do wish you luck with this. We need more good local tourneys.

    Not sure what you mean? Please elaborate? We are just getting pizza want to pump most money into prize pool as possible.
  • Makes sense. Pizza budget sounds fine.

    I'm close to Brantford and would consider this - Please post the details when you have them.
  • mistrials wrote: »
    Not sure what you mean? Please elaborate? We are just getting pizza want to pump most money into prize pool as possible.
    So everyone gets 3 bucks worth of pizza and pop and there's nothing left for the equipment rental you speak of? Dr Oetkers and Our Compliments here we come... That's fine with me. I'll skip the pizza and settle for a 2L bottle of no name diet cola anyway.

    Once you firm up the details you'll likely get a bunch of people from the forum to attend.
  • He means you're not taking very much rake to provide decent food options.

    And now I will add my 2 cents. I don't know what your costs are for 'equipment,' but as for the food:

    I'm not a fan of taking a rake from everyone for food that only some may like. Providing free food is a draw and provides your event with added prestige and credibility. And if someone doesn't like the food, at least they weren't forced to help pay for it.

    Granted, with a large field like this tourney maybe you can't afford free food. The next best thing is to have a "bring your own" policy. Also organize takeout pools where you order various food and people can contribute voluntarily towards what they want.

    Anyways, sounds like it will be a decent tournament. Good luck.
  • Sorry guys I'm new to the forum I didn't realize how professional I was supposed to be when running a tourny. Just going to get enough pizza and pop/water for 50 guys plus the rental of chairs and the hall and purchasing of more chips. We have about 1000 chips (pieces) already from the weekly league that we run with 20 guys for the past few years. Its not a professionally run tournament nor is it for huge dollars just thought it'd be fun to get 50 guys for $60. I have 5 poker tables and we are going to deal for ourselves. I do appreciate the input, not sure if I'm being mocked but I have thick skin so meh. In a few weeks I will post how many guys I have confirmed from non-forum people and the forum people who are interested and want to fill the remaining seats can email me. Thanks again for the constructive criticism. I really want to take as little rake as possible and hopefully next time will have to take even less rake because we will have purchased enough chips from our league/this tourny to have a good tourny set.
  • Additionally - a lot of non forum guys who have committed are ok with me taking $50 plus using $10 for the expenses but I was trying to avoid that. Question: is that a lot / too much rake to take? Just looking for input as the only thing really finalized in this whole endeavor is the date, tourny size, and buy in.
    Thanks again. Keep the input coming as I hope most people are responding with genuine posts.
    PS > I ran a tourny a few years back where we charged $110 and $10 was used to get a company who catered the hall with pulled pork which was fun but ended up being more work for me in the long run and I ended up forking a bit of money out of my own pocket which I will definitely not be doing this time lol.
  • Not mocking you at all. Just didn't think you could cover expenses @ 5%. Another guy here hosts $60-80 home games and asks for $5 each to cover pizza and pop but he has no rental costs to cover.

    You are aiming for something bigger and I think you'll need more than $3 each. But maybe you can do it.
  • mistrials wrote: »
    Thanks again for the constructive criticism. I really want to take as little rake as possible and hopefully next time will have to take even less rake because we will have purchased enough chips from our league/this tourny to have a good tourny set.

    Seems like your heart is in the right place, but I do think it is a valid concern that you probably aren't going to raise enough money to cover food, a hall, and new chips. At the same time, it's already at about the max that most people would want to pay. Personally I would drop the food like kwsteve suggested, and just have a scheduled dinner break where people can find their own option. It's just one less thing for you to deal with.

    Anyways, welcome to the forum - great to see more games happening!
  • I would suggest most of the posts you will get are sincere and just trying to offer advice from those of use who have seen the good, bad and ugly of tournaments. I would suggest that 10% of the buy in is reasonable to keep for expenses.
    I, for one, am looking forward to another event not far from Hamilton. Keep us posted.
  • Looks like you guys are correct as I have looked at the numbers and will probably have to take $10 rake to cover expenses. I will post more later this week when I have structure and everything finalized. Thanks again for the input.
  • Did you end up having this tourney? Did anyone from the forum attend?
  • Did you end up having this tourney? Did anyone from the forum attend?

    FYI, last logon was Mar 30th..
  • I feel so dirty
  • I emailed him, and this was his reply:

    Sorry I never got back to you. I ended up having a small 20 man tourny with friends as a trial run because I could not secure a venue large enough fir 50 players. If I decide to run one in the summer or fall I will let you know.
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