OAPL Presents the Friday night 20! Fri. March 13th 7pm.

OAPL presents the Friday night 20!

Date - Friday March 13th at 7pm.
Location - Waterdown Hwy 6 and Hwy 5 area.
Buy In - $80
Game - NLHE
Starting Stack - 20k
Blinds - 20 minutes

Blind Levels

25 - 50
50 - 100
100 - 200
Break / chip up $25
200 - 400
300 - 600
400 - 800
500 - 1000
600 - 1200
800 - 1600
Break / Chip up $100
1000 - 2000
1500 - 3000
2000 - 4000
3000 - 6000
4000 - 8000
5000 - 10000
7000 - 14000
10000 - 20000
25000 - 50000

A cash game of 50./1.00 will follow when enough players bust out. Hope to have a full two tables at this event and even break into a 3rd table.

Payouts are top 3 50/30/20 up to 18 players and over 18 players will pay top 4 50/25/15/10

Sign up List.

1. Irunit4times
2. Bfillmaff
3. Carddead (t)
4. Bruce
5. Anita
6. Don
7. Steve n
8. Pkrfce9
9. Seekthegrail
10. Moose
11. Djgolfcan
12. Alberto


  • test and likely in. Just wondering why the change to $80.?
  • Thanks comp, not sure what happened here but the thread was closed it is now open and anyone interested please post.
  • Nice, in.
  • Why aren't people all up in this shit?

    How much is going to the prize pool?
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Why aren't people all up in this shit?

    How much is going to the prize pool?

    can't make it friday night. if it was saturday again i'd most likely be heading down.
  • Unfortunately the dates are more determined by my wifes schedule than anything else :( next time trigs...
  • Same as always Greg, $5 comes out for the food drinks snacks etc the rest is all prize money. so the answer is $75 of each buy in goes to the pot.
  • So why the change from $60 to 80?
  • Just mixing things up, was $60, now $80 will go back to $60 again as well, trying to cater to all different players and structures a bit sooo..... we will probably do a $60 or maybe even a $40 rebuy or something like that another time..... I am open to suggestions as this is about the people that come, but I liek to try to change things around when I can so its not always the same thing. Unless everyone wants it as such.
  • As long as you don't lose players raising it up... Perhaps a PLO tourney?
  • Bump for interest, if there isn't at least 12 players by wednesday evening that are at least tentative, I will probably just cancel this game. Hope we get a turn out.
  • Well that sucks... 6 handed cash game??
  • Comp is a prolly from what I see.

    I'm a maybe. I can let you know by wed.
  • I have listed you both, but we are still a few players away. I would certainly consider a PLO tournament though I admittedly am not the best for rules and regulations of that game. So if you are coming to that, if you could be considered the director in terms of questions and decision making I would appreciate that then and see what kind of response we get.

    As for Andrew, with the players coming to be honest a 6 handed cash game isn't what I had in mind. In that scenario if it is cancelled, how about you and I and Glenn head to Niagara for some 1/2? lol
  • In that scenario if it is cancelled, how about you and I and Glenn head to Niagara for some 1/2? lol

  • As long as im not driving, I'm good.
  • hope this runs but yeah im in either way
  • I can probably make this.
  • If I can get a ride to and from the game, I can play.

    Andrew ? :)
  • Sounds like thanks to the awesome members here we more than likely will run a game friday. Awesome!
  • sorry my "t" is not going to firm up... I'm out for Friday..
  • Is that a euphemism?

    If comps out, I'm in!
  • Will need addy
  • Hey Alex, you'll have to downgrade me to (t). Looks like I'll be late getting home tomorrow so it'll be a last-minute decision for me.

  • need addy
  • Address and info sent, also OP has been updated. Just text me tomorrow Glenn and let me know.
  • In. I will be car pooling with Moose. Cheers, Steve
  • Noted, I will add you to the list. Thanks
  • If all (t) players can firm up please that would be great.
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