Moose Cash Games - Mar/Apr - Cambridge


This is just a social night against good competition and good friends. Rake free, HDTV, wifi, comfy table and chairs, high quality chips, beer fridge, dedicated dealer. This is one of the best cash games you will find.

Max buyin has been raised to $100 max, $40 min for this year. Players may add on to the max at any time.

Mar. 5 PLO
1. moose
2. Joey
3. Woog30
4. Mikey
5. datamn
6. Flash05
7. drew
8. getem
9. seekthegrail
10. Reener123

1. Coordinator

Mar. 19 More than Two Cards ** 7 pm start ** NCAA on the big screen. Game ends when bball ends.
1. moose
2. Joey
3. Woog30
4. Mikey
5. datamn
6. jacnok
7. Seekthegrail
8. Reener123

Apr. 2 $3/6 O8 with 1/2 kill ** 7 pm start ** Good Friday tmr!
1. moose
2. Joey
3. Woog30
5. datamn
6. jacnok
7. getem
8. Seekthegrail
9. Reener123
10. peteski

Apr. 16 NL
1. moose
2. JacNok
3. Woog30
4. Mikey
5. datamn
6. donP
7. bater94
8. getem
9. Seekthegrail
10. Reener123


Apr. 30 ROSE $3/6 w 1/2 kill ** 7 pm start **
1. moose
2. Joey
3. Woog30
4. Mikey
5. datamn
6. jacnok
7. Seekthegrail
8. peteski

All games are rake free. Start at 9 pm and end at 12 am, unless noted.

It is the player's responsibility to table his cards. The hand isn't over until he decides to table his cards or muck them and that is his decision -- 1 player per hand, period.

No rabbit hunting unless you expose your hole cards first.


  • Lists are up to date.
  • I'm in for April 16
  • In for all. Cheers, Steve
  • I'm in for April 16.
  • Hi Moose - please sign me up for all except April 30. Thanks!
    moose wrote: »

    This is just a social night against good competition and good friends. Rake free, HDTV, wifi, comfy table and chairs, high quality chips, beer fridge, dedicated dealer. This is one of the best cash games you will find.

    Max buyin has been raised to $100 max, $40 min for this year. Players may add on to the max at any time.

    Mar. 5 PLO
    1. moose
    2. Joey
    3. Woog30
    4. Mikey
    5. datamn
    6. jacnok*
    7. drew
    8. getem
    9. Seekthegrail

    Mar. 19 More than Two Cards ** 7 pm start ** NCAA on the big screen. Game ends when bball ends.
    1. moose
    2. Joey
    3. Woog30
    4. Mikey
    5. datamn
    6. jacnok
    7. Seekthegrail

    Apr. 2 $3/6 O8 with 1/2 kill ** 7 pm start ** Good Friday tmr!
    1. moose
    2. Joey
    3. Woog30
    4. Mikey
    5. datamn
    6. jacnok
    7. getem
    8. Seekthegrail

    Apr. 16 NL
    1. moose
    2. Joey
    3. Woog30
    4. Mikey
    5. datamn
    6. donP
    7. bater94
    8. getem
    9. Seekthegrail
    10. edtheted


    Apr. 30 ROSE $3/6 w 1/2 kill ** 7 pm start **
    1. moose
    2. Joey
    3. Woog30
    4. Mikey
    5. datamn
    6. jacnok
    7. Seekthegrail

    All games are rake free. Start at 9 pm and end at 12 am, unless noted.

    It is the player's responsibility to table his cards. The hand isn't over until he decides to table his cards or muck them and that is his decision -- 1 player per hand, period.

    No rabbit hunting unless you expose your hole cards first.
  • Sorry Moose but a family commitment has come up for Thursday March 5th and I am out now.

    Seat open now for PLO.
  • Bumpity. One spot avail for PLO on Thursday for sure, maybe two. (JacNok has not confirmed yet).
  • Another change of plans. If the seat is still open I can make it now on Thursday. Cheers, Steve
  • Put me in for plo thx
  • You are in.
  • throw me on the list moose
  • Thursday the basketball begins at noon. My doors will be open if anyone wants to come early and watch the game. If we have enough we can start the cash game early.

    At some point we will likely head out to get something to eat to be back for 7pm. Likely sushi feast

    Post here if and when you are coming early.
  • I can be there at noon to catch the first set of games. Let me know if that's too early. Cheers, Steve
  • Noon is fine. Getting satellite box upgraded tomorrow. :)
  • Game Rotation:

    Lazy Pineapple 8 (pot limit)
    Irish (pot limit)
    4 card Crazy Ocean Pineapple (limit)
    Omahugi (limit) (Omaha/badugi split, must use two cards from hand)
    Courchevel 8 (pot limit)
    BigO (5 card PLO8)
    5 card Stampler (limit) (O8, highest spade in hole splits if no low qualifier)
    BigEasy (6 card limit O8) - 7 max
    Dramaha (limit) - 6 max (5 card draw/Omaha split)

    limit games will be $2/4 with 1/2 kill
  • Satellite got upgraded today. Woot!

    Reener got called in to work tomorrow. He will be late and is willing to give up his seat to anyone who wants it.

    Doors open at noon. Swing by, watch some bball. When we have enough we'll start a game.


    Registration -

    $20. Entries must be in by 11 am. You can pay at game. Password is kw.
  • One seat avail for Thurs. Starts early and ends late.

    Apr. 2 $3/6 O8 with 1/2 kill ** 7 pm start ** Good Friday tmr!
    1. moose
    2. Joey
    3. Woog30
    4. Mikey
    5. datamn
    6. jacnok
    7. getem
    8. Seekthegrail
    9. Reener123
  • One seat avail for this thurs
  • One seat still open.

    This is your friendly gas buddy. Gas is going up tonight. Fill up on the way in. Gas bar on Hespeler near the police station is 97.3
  • Sorry, I will have to cancel April 16. Too much stuff happening!
  • Thanks.
  • FYI looks like for the summer I will be moving the game to Friday nights as I will be coaching on Thurs. I would like to know if that is ok with everyone before I make up the schedule.

    Datamn is out.
  • Of course I rarely get out anyway, but I would play at the Cave if I have a Friday evening free....
  • Fridays are fine
  • Fridays work for me.
  • moose wrote: »
    FYI looks like for the summer I will be moving the game to Friday nights as I will be coaching on Thurs. I would like to know if that is ok with everyone before I make up the schedule.

    This is great news! You guys will get my money on Fridays
  • g2 wrote: »
    This is great news! You guys will get my money on Fridays

  • Apr. 30 ROSE $3/6 w 1/2 kill ** 7 pm start ** razz, omaha, stud, stud8
    1. moose
    2. Joey
    3. Woog30
    4. Mikey
    5. datamn
    6. jacnok
    7. Seekthegrail

    One seat to fill for this Thursday.
  • still one seat open for tonight
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