OAPL PCA 2016 Satellite series interest thread

So I have been thinking about doing something like this for a while now and thought I would post a an idea and interest thread to see if we could get something like this off the ground.

My thoughts are this, I run a 10 game satellite series that would run every 3 weeks on either a friday, saturday or sunday depending on most availability amongst players. It would have a minimum of 9 players signed up in order to run this and those 9 players have to confirm to playing all 10 games regardless of prior finishes. There will be a point system for each game and the players at the end with the most points get the tickets and such. SO the break down looks like this.

Players - 9 +
Buy in - $40/game total investment of $400. $200 paid upfront prior to or at the first game. And then the $40 regular each week until mid way when it is paid off.
Points - -Based on finishing positions and calculated after each game to provide a ranking system for the series to determine a winner.
Pay outs - 1st/$1,100 ticket plus $900 spending (flight, hotel etc) 2nd/$1,100 ticket plus $500 spending.

There would be an equity contribution of 70/30 where 70% of winnings after any and all taxes are deducted are kept and 30% divided amongst the players involved in the series.

I think this is a great way to go and play an event that you may not necessarily go and play on your own, and provides the flight and hotel money for a little vacation as well, and opportunity to play some other side events and satellites when down there.

All prizes would be kept in escrow at the completion of the tournament as to verify that winning players are to use the winnings for the PCA. They will be held until such time that the ticket and flight etc have or need to be purchased and will be released at that time ensuring that players involved with this satellite are looking to go to the PCA and not just take the money.

I am open to suggestions, thoughts, criticisms whatever you have to say about this idea.

Your turn!

Interest list:

1. Irunit4times
2. Jeff
3. Christian
4. John
5. Buddy
6. Davide b

*in case there are more than 9 players interested I will use this list as a first come first served basis and will go down the list for a deposit if this happens until 9 people have confirmed.


  • I have had some response to this already through the meetup site, so where as to keep everyone in the loop I will post the concerns here and comments.

    This was the reply I received:

    I haven't played in your league but you are on my radar for future games but here's my input if anyone cares.

    I play in a similar satellite series for the WSOP Main Event and here's how we do it. We are able to drop off the worst game from the standings so if you were to play 10 games we only count the top 9 finishes. The only thing that needs to be adjusted in my mind is the percentages. I played in the Main Event last year and our league we give up 20% which after playing in the main event I felt that 20% was a bit too high. I cashed in for a little over $20k and after taxes I got about $17k. I gave $3400 to the league, leaving me with $13,600. The package that I won was worth $10k so after playing for 3 1/2 days and missing 5 days of work I really only won $3600 more than the initial $10k that I won. I think that a more fair way to do it would be 20% of the profits. This way the initial winning of $10k for me I wouldn't have to give away 20% of it which is basically what happened once I cashed. If the league I played in took the 20% of the profits then it would've been much better since the initial $10k would've been mine and only 20% of the $7k would've been split amongst everyone else. If you're set on the 30% split then maybe just do the 30% for the profits only and not the initial win.

    I would also be interested in seeing the structure and how the points are awarded for each game. Also, what's the prize being used towards.
  • This was my response:

    Thanks for your input. I am assuming you are referring to Steve opt satellites. He runs a good game and I would do something very similar but need to know if any interest is even there first. I am very open to making changes that will suit the most players as this isn't for me it's for the players. If 20 or even 10% equity is what will get players out then so be it. There are several different $1,100 buy in side events at the pca so I'd leave that to the winner to decide.

    As for the structure of points, I would come up with a structure that is based on a few factors like position finished, time lasted, blind level, knockouts per player etc to rank players.

    I hope this answers some of your questions and if you have more please feel free to fire away.
  • I am interested in any satellite series where there is a non-US option such as the PCA.* Will the prizes be limited to PCA or can a WPT Event be chosen?* For example, after WPT Fallsview on February 7-16, the next big event in Canada is at Playground Poker Club for the WPT Canadian Spring Championship with $3,300 buy-in for the Main Event.

    I am very flexible with the equity percentage.
  • That was another comment posted and this is my response. This satellite would be solely for the PCA and not to be used for other games, hence the escrow until the purchase of plane ticket and entry etc. However with suggestions I am willing to host other one game or series satellites to other events that will peak players attention. These games are for the players, but also not a freeroll give away like the game in mississauga once was. I hope this helps and anymore questions are welcomed. Also as a side note, players who are playing in any opt main event satellites, I would consciously schedule all games as to not conflict with those dates.
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