looking to set up micro cash game

I'm interested in trying to start up a cash game every Friday or Saturday at my place in uptown toronto. Just a friendly game of. 25/.50 or. 50/1.

If anyone would be interested in playing send me a PM and if there are enough players we can set it up.

Thanks everyone
Take care


  • Im interested
  • i would also be interested. Message me
  • late reply, interested in this though. message me.
  • I sent a private message to him, he hasn't reply.
  • Hey guys. Sorry if i didbt reply to earlier messages. Was waiti g to get some interest. I have replied to everyone with my personal email , we'll start from there and discuss further plans.

    Thanks guys
    Take care,
  • Hey I would be interested to play, and if you needed a downtown place to host it free of charge let me know! ( i have 25c chips already too!)
  • I've been looking for a game like this in the area for a while. PM comin your way!
  • I guess this game has dried up :(
  • It never even got wet
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