OAPL New Year New Season Thread! Ideas/Suggestions

Hey everyone,

I have been away from this site and the tables for a little bit but with the new year coming again comes the time to turn another page and try to start my poker again.

I would like to start another regular game in the new year, but I am looking for suggestions to make things more fun. I have run in my head several different options like only running sattelite games to local games, smaller vegas etc. Running a vegas league where we play each week for a small pot but majority goes to the final pot which is a vegas trip. PCA qualifiers. Just running a league similar to what has been cash each game with final cash payout at the end. A season of mixed buy ins etc.

I am looking for some suggestions for things that you players want to play for and will show up for. What do you all want to play and what suggestions do you have for getting a regular game going again?

I look forward to the responses, good and bad. Trolled or not.


  • Nice! Welcome back.

    Personally I prefer the regular tourneys over satellites and I think 50-60 was right at the sweet spot to get players out regularly. The cash game after was always good - you could even have a cash game night every few weeks or so.

    Last season was awesome, would play again for sure.

    ...maybe even the odd PLO game mixed in ! :) ?
  • Just speaking for myself personally, I'd be interested in satellites for larger buy-in tournaments ($1k+) and any bigger buy-in regular tournaments. I know a $80+ buy-in might be too much for your regulars to play on a weekly basis but, if you hosted these types of events like monthly or something, I'd make a good effort to come out.
  • i'd love a weekly low-stakes cash game.
    i'd enjoy a weekly $50-60 tournament with cash game to follow.
    i'm not a fan of the 'league' concept unless it allows for a player to miss a few games and still place well. some sort of a 'best 8 of 12' concept.
    i wouldn't participate in satellites.

    looking forward to this!
  • Will agree with the suggestions of the much wiser.
    Like the weekly league format

    Milton Slim
  • I agree with weekly 50-60 tournament.
  • Im new to hamilton and was wonder where i cokd play hold em no limit, the casinosare to far.
  • I will be setting a game up for next Friday the 23rd. I will be posting a new thread and details tomorrow. Just a teaser for tonight. Hamilton poker will be alive once again.
  • So how do i sign myself up for the game. Thank u
  • dbol604 wrote: »
    So how do i sign myself up for the game. Thank u

    Just go the thread where the game info is posted and add your name (screen name is fine). Alex will PM the address of the game to you a few days prior.
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