Bristol St. presents - "Merry Xmas Madness 11" - Sat. Jan 10th at 2pm (Waterloo)

2014 Bristol Street Merry Xmas Madness
No-Limit Hold'em Tournament
Saturday, Jan 10th, 2015 at 2pm.
(doors open at 1:30pm)

I TOTALLY meant to post this a month ago. Where does the time go?!? Regardless, we may get a smaller turnout, but I just can't let a year go by without hosting one of the more degenerate tournaments out there!!

The Xmas season is all about gift giving (and getting!) and beating those mad rushes to get the best gifts while the clock ticks down to Christmas Eve. The Bristol Street Merry Xmas Madness tournament contains all the best (and worst) aspects of the season and should make for that tournament that's... very interesting. (Please note, to celebrate the coming New Year, this tournament is a little less serious that some of the others) The details....
$5 Entry for 1,000 chips.
Unl. rebuys in the first 4 levels (2 hours); $5 for 1,000 (you must bust out to rebuy)
One add-on available at the end of Level 4. $5 for an extra 5,000 chips.
And... a Bag 'o Presents available at every table!!

Payout: (rounded to nearest $5)
1st place - 35%
2nd place - 20%
3rd place - 14%
4th place - 11%
5th place - 8%
6th place - 6%
7th place - 4%
8th place - 2%

Maximum number of Players: 48 - 6 tables of eight (Please RSVP)

At the beginning of the tournament, each table recieves one "Bag 'o Presents". If you play a hand down to the river and one of your hole cards is the "2 of Hearts" -OR- the "A of Spades". You must pull one present (at random) from the Bag 'o Presents. Each Bag will contain the following...

Three black 100 chips
Three purple 500 chips
Three yellow 1,000 chips
Three "Special" green chips
Three "Special" White chips
Three "Special" Blue chips
Three "Special" Red chips
Three "Special" Light-Blue chips
Three->Five "Special" Pink chips
Three "Special" Orange chips
Three "Special" Grey chips

The "Special" Chips.

White - "Merry Christmas!" - The player pulling this chip may exchange it for one free re-buy or add-on.
Blue - "Secret Santa!" - The player pulling this chip is feeling especially generous and will be moving All-In blind on the very next hand
Red - "Gift Exchange!" - The player pulling this chip, exchanges all their chips with the all the chips of the player to thier left.
Light Blue - "Don't open your Presents Early!" - If this chip is pulled before the first break, you get a green 25 chip from the bank. If it's pulled after the first break, it counts as it's value (5,000)
Orange - "Christmas in Omaha" - At any point, trade in this chip for 2 more hole cards. Use any combination of the board cards and your four hole cards to make the best hand. If you still have this chip after the first break it becomes it's value (2,000)
Pink - "SUPER ULTRA-SECRET XMAS PRESENT!!!11OMG1!!" - Go find Rob. Spin the Spinner! What will your present be?!? If you don't like the result you may spin again up to twice more, but you have to keep the third and final spin.
Grey - "Bah Humbug!" - Keep this chip until you win a pot or bust out. While you have this chip you only get dealt one hole card. If you still have this chip after the first break you can exchange it for a black "100" chip. Bah-Humbug.
Green - "Company's Coming!" - Exchanges places with any player at any other table and that player takes your spot. If there are two floors of tables running, you also must switch floors. Take your chips with you.

Special rules for the "Bag 'o Presents"

1. You do not need to win the hand at showdown in order to claim a present. (But you do have to show your cards!) Your hand needs to either be still in play after the final round of betting, or All-In with at least one caller.
2. If you bust out (but win a present), the present you've drawn is appiled after you re-buy. If you choose not to re-buy, you don't pull a present. If it's after the rebuy period and you bust out. You are still in the game with only the chip you pull from the bag. (We'll call it a "Last Minute Xmas Gift")
3. If you pull a present that's already been coloured up... the present is discarded. Tough luck! Feel free to shout, "Bah, Humbug!"
4. The white, red and blue chips will be removed from the bag during the first break. For each one removed a yellow chip (1,000) will be put back in. Pink Chips get replace by Orange (2,000) chips. Orange and Grey ship stay in the bag and retain their value (2,000 and 10,000)
5. If a table collapses and there are still presents on it, the presents are randomly distributed to the other bags. We will randomly determine the tables to be broken down, players will re-draw seats as each table collapse.
6. "The Night Before Xmas" When there are 10 minutes left in the 4th blind level, the clock is paused and play on all tables is paused once the current hands are done. The puck is moved and, starting with the small blind, each player may optionally draw once from the bag of presents. Once everything's resolved, the clock is unpaused and play continues.

Secret Santa

In addition to your $5 buy-in, you are to bring in a wrapped Secret Santa gift of undetermined value. This gift can really be anything you want; something cool, or something politically incorrect. When you finally bust out of the tournament, you get to pick one of the Secret Santa gifts, open it, and display it proudly for everyone else.

Blind Schedule (30 minute levels for 1->4, 20 minutes per level thereafter)

Level 1: 25-25 (1 hour)
Level 2: 25-50 (30 min)
Level 3: 25-75
Level 4: 50-100
(FOOD DINNER/BREAK: Complete add-ons. Clean up the Bag 'O Presents)
Level 5: 75-150 (20 min)
Level 6: 100-200
Level 7: 100-200 (25)
Level 8: 150-300 (50)
Level 9: 200-400 (50)
Level 10: 300-600 (75)
(BREAK: Race off 25 chips)
Level 11: 400-800 (100)
Level 12: 500-1,000 (100)
Level 13: 600-1,200 (200)
Level 14: 800-1,600 (200)
Level 15: 1,000-2,000 (300)
(BREAK: Race off 100 chips)
Level 16: 1,500-3,000 (500)
Level 17: 2,000-4,000 (500)
Level 18: 3,000-6,000 (1,000)
Level 19: 4,000-8,000 (1,000)
Level 20: 5,000-10,000 (1,000)

(Note: breaks after 100 race off will be on an as-needed basis)

Remember, the number one rule is.. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cash games will be running as players bust out of the Main Tournament.

Please RSVP your spot, please send me a message. If there's a question you have, or if you discover a rules inconsistency, please let me know! All tourneys at Bristol Street are rake free.

Sorry it took so long to post!!




    1. Zithal
    2. g2
    3. DrTyore
    4. ItsaMe
    5. Bfillmaff
    6. pkrfce9
    7. Pinhead
    8. Wes
    9. TwoThree
    10. Quimby
    11. DataMn
    12. Nathan
    13. magithighs
    14. Moose
    15. minimoose
  • In please
  • Me and Mario in!!

  • You just made my Monday, sir.

  • I think I can make this one. Always lots of fun!
  • Weeeeeeeeeeee In!

    +Wes because he's too lazy to log in and do it himself
  • Wondered where this one had gone.... In, likely BigBob as well...
  • It's a late Festivus miracle!!

    Sign me up
  • Put me down as Tent. I love this tourney.
  • Sorry drop out BigBob.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Put me down as Tent.
    Sounds like you need a tent. Bazinga! There i put you down.

    But seriously, it will be nice to see you again.
  • Very Sad, no longer tentative, can't make it.
  • Sign me up please.
  • 13 players for Bristol Madness? That is madness in itself! Wtf?
  • Moose and minimoose
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    13 players for Bristol Madness? That is madness in itself! Wtf?

    The result of hosting only once this year. :)

    Still, I'm expecting some good degenerate playing to build up a nice prize pool. :)
  • Someone please pm the address to me. I haven't been there in a while and it might have even moved?
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Someone please pm the address to me. I haven't been there in a while and it might have even moved?

    Go to Bristol street.

    Listen for Mario.
  • It's the night before Christmas (madness)!

    Plenty of room left and if we're low on numbers I'll make sure to plan some fun bonuses. :)

    Don't forget your secret Santa gift!!
  • Madness! Madness! This is Bristol!

  • Rob can you pm me the address? Last year I just drove to Bristol st and followed the crowd in... Less people this time though!
  • Was able to round up a +1 if thats OK!
  • Not a problem! Setting up 2 tables for the day so we can go to 18 without issue
  • Great day and good to see everyone again! Can't wait to hear the final winner is Mark!

  • 345 cash game now running
  • magithighs wrote: »
    Great day and good to see everyone again! Can't wait to hear the final winner is Mark!


    Mark cashed. We chopped 4-handed

    /g2 240
    Mr. Bill Fillmaff 200
    minimoose 143
    DrTyore 142
    5th-8th were in the money as well
  • thanks again for hosting. awesome time as usual!
  • Great to hear that the spirit of Christmas lives on and a four way chop!

    Thanks Rob for an awesome day!!
  • magithighs wrote: »
    Great to hear that the spirit of Christmas lives on and a four way chop!

    another big thanks to g2 mark and minimoose for not bending me over on the chop - I had to be somewhere and couldn't seem to finish these guys off in time... appreciate you guys letting me out!!
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