I feel old

Another year.. bleh.. what to do this year?

How do you deal with getting older? =/


  • Stay active in multiple sports. Swimming, golf. baseball, cycling, tennis etc. THe more you give it in your twenties the easier it will be in your fifties.


    PS Being 50 and having a girlfriend in her late twenties will help with getting older as well. ^-^
  • I have been working out a bit lately and am looking to get back into playing Sports on the regular.
  • try a foot chase

    you will never feel more alive
  • I think bathing in the blood of virgins is supposed to help.
    Happy Birthday!
  • take one day at a time and stop counting the years. who the fuck cares how old they are? i never understood wanting to count down to your death.
  • trigs wrote: »
    take one day at a time and stop counting the years. who the fuck cares how old they are? i never understood wanting to count down to your death.
    Ask me my secret all you youngsters.i have done it all:D Learn to play the guitar and amuse people
  • trigs wrote: »
    take one day at a time and stop counting the years. who the fuck cares how old they are? i never understood wanting to count down to your death.

    Opposite position:
    The oldest of my grandparents died at 62. The other three were mid-50's. Two Leukemia, two heart disease. If genetics play a role here, I passed the mid-point around 28.

    There's not enough time to not say, "Fuck it...that seems like fun!"
  • I just had my 31st birthday yesterday. I know the feeling. I don't recover from injuries like I used to, hiking is now hard on the knees and staying up for 3am poker sessions is a lot harder than it used to be.

    I built a squat cage in my workshop so I'm trying to get a workout done after work. It's hard at first, feeling more drained but after you get in the groove it really helps. Eat better, light exercise and play more poker.
  • Bunch a fucking pussies in this thread . . . at least Kristy has the genetics angle to merit a "pass". I turned FIFTY a couple weeks back and thought to myself, WTF ?!?

    Any time you want to bitch about getting old just run this little thought through your head . . .

    It beats the alternative.
  • i just turned 21 a few days ago :( feeling old
  • sn1perb0y wrote: »
    i just turned 21 a few days ago :( feeling old

    Solid brag
  • I feel young and I'm 43...pretty much feel the same as I did at 30 except for the crushing reality that we are all going to die soon:)
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