favourite horror movies

what are your favourite horror movies?

i love horror movies, even cheesy old ones. my favourite are zombie movies but i also enjoy slasher movies, ghost movies, alien movies, etc. i enjoy so many that i don't think i could even start a list unless i was going by specific genres.

since halloween is coming up soon, i will be re-watching a bunch of halloween horrors. i think i have a list of at least 25 halloween movies that i'll have to get through over the next month.

i'm always looking for good new horror movies though so i'd love to hear which ones are your favourites. maybe i can find some new ones that i've never seen before.


  • Not a huge horror fan, but I presume, like any good citizen, the Evil Dead movies are on your list?
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Not a huge horror fan, but I presume, like any good citizen, the Evil Dead movies are on your list?

    Yup. Evil Dead is a good one. Remake as well.
  • If you do a search there are a few threads about this with some great suggestions from years past.

    Personally I can't wait for American horror story to start back up again! Never before have I watched a TV show and at the end of each episode felt the need to take a deep breath and re-evaluate my state of mind.

    First season, haunted house. Second, sanitarium. Third, witches coven.

    This season... a circus side show. I'm gonna lose my mind waiting for this.
  • We should find those old threads and compile a list of cpf'ers suggestions.

    Drtyore is the boss of horror btw.
  • We should find those old threads and compile a list of cpf'ers suggestions.

    Drtyore is the boss of horror btw.

    I probably started one before ;-)
  • The Changeling . . . that is all.
  • My spidey sense tingled.

    I haven't done much (good) horror lately... Oculus got decent reviews, undeserved. My friend forced me to re-watch the Rob Zombie "House of / Devils" duogy... she regrets that.

    "American Mary" is one that looks intriguing, though I've not seen it yet... I still want to watch "Audition" sadly I haven't gotten to it... and both of those are "reality based" which isn't my favorite.

  • I watched a really good one recently called "You're Next". Highly recommend.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I watched a really good one recently called "You're Next". Highly recommend.

    6.5/10 on IMDB. Not bad for a horror flick. Might have to check this one out.

    You're Next (2011) - IMDb
  • I'm a fan of the Friday the 13th's, Halloween and Texas Chainsaw movies. Recently a guy at work, who's a big horror movie guy, told me to check out Martyrs.

    Martyrs (2008) - IMDb

    Its pretty f*cked up. Its in french but there's a English dubbed version.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I watched a really good one recently called "You're Next". Highly recommend.

    I can back this up...

    Any movie that stars a Trailer Park Boy, the dude from My Name is Earl, Re-Animator, and a porn star can't be all bad.

    If you watch it, LMK if you catch the blatant error made around the porn star.

  • Icedog wrote: »

    That's funny. Back in 2012 you said that you hadn't watched it because you were too chicken (I've been going through the old Halloween movie threads).

    Yeah, I just read the description. Doesn't look like a movie I'd appreciate.
  • Just found what I think was one of the best horror movie threads on here in terms of listings (not that this thread can't turn out great as well):

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I watched a really good one recently called "You're Next". Highly recommend.

    seen this. definitely a good one.
  • I've always hated horror movies

    I don't believe in Alot of stupid "horror" stuff, so I generally find the story lines to be horrendous and the acting to be terrible.

    Just my .02
  • OHTNCTRHM wrote: »
    I've always hated horror movies

    I don't believe in Alot of stupid "horror" stuff, so I generally find the story lines to be horrendous and the acting to be terrible.

    Just my .02

    Yer watching the wrong ones.

    There are a lot of terrible horrible horror films, but that's the nature of the genre. There are a lot of good ones out there, you just have to sift through the crap.

    Lots of garbage comedy movies/tv shows out there too. Basically every genre has it's 1%'ers.
  • That's funny. Back in 2012 you said that you hadn't watched it because you were too chicken (I've been going through the old Halloween movie threads).

    Yeah, I just read the description. Doesn't look like a movie I'd appreciate.

    I did end up seeing it due to peer pressure from the boys at work. Big mistake. lol
  • I liked The Conjuring.

    Very creepy in the way The Exorcist was.

    Haven't watched Mama yet but looks like it may be alright.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    I liked The Conjuring.

    Very creepy in the way The Exorcist was.

    Haven't watched Mama yet but looks like it may be alright.

    the conjuring was really good. definitely like that one. i've seen mama too. it was alright.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I watched a really good one recently called "You're Next". Highly recommend.
    DrTyore wrote: »
    I can back this up...

    Any movie that stars a Trailer Park Boy, the dude from My Name is Earl, Re-Animator, and a porn star can't be all bad.

    If you watch it, LMK if you catch the blatant error made around the porn star.


    i should have also mentioned that a decent amount of these same actors are in a couple other movies together that are pretty decent.

    one is called the sacrament. the other is called the house of the devil.
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