Poker Mind



  • I had sufficiently OT'd it IMO.
  • Kristy wrote: »
    I had sufficiently OT'd it IMO.

    Absolutely slathered on the OT, like gravy on French fries.
  • Absolutely slathered on the OT, like gravy on French fries.
    I think it is time to move on.Case closed
  • Since we're here now...

    This may be slightly tangential b/c scrolling up on my phone is hard. I read this poker book, years ago--so long ago that I don't even remember the title. It was an unimportant work, by an unimportant author..

    It had this chart of catechisms that I was much teased for loving.
    Eg. Money is always flowing, slowly, from bad players to their betters, and things of that ilk.

    I feel like players are too apt to focus on the nitty gritty short term and lose the more zen notions that "if you're making good decisions it'll come out in the end", and, more importantly, not to tap the tank.

    I think this important not only because it allows you to lower your blood pressure, but also because it stops the other player from reacting to your criticism spoken or gestured, and using this free knowledge in becoming better players.

    I'm not professing mastery of this skill, but I cannot tell you how much money I have kept in circulation by saying, "Of course he shoved that, he had KQ....SOOTED." Nor how much money I've unseated by raising a judg-y eyebrow to someone who hates to hear "I think you're wrong".

    Yes, math only players will post results-- and it is valid, and perhaps the most important aspect of the game, but there's something real to be said for taking a step back to think about your own headspace, as well as the headspaces of your opponents to foster and direct their actions.
  • You change gears like a well oiled machine. Impressive.
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Since we're here now...

    This may be slightly tangential b/c scrolling up on my phone is hard. I read this poker book, years ago--so long ago that I don't even remember the title. It was an unimportant work, by an unimportant author..

    It had this chart of catechisms that I was much teased for loving.
    Eg. Money is always flowing, slowly, from bad players to their betters, and things of that ilk.

    I feel like players are too apt to focus on the nitty gritty short term and lose the more zen notions that "if you're making good decisions it'll come out in the end", and, more importantly, not to tap the tank.

    I think this important not only because it allows you to lower your blood pressure, but also because it stops the other player from reacting to your criticism spoken or gestured, and using this free knowledge in becoming better players.

    I'm not professing mastery of this skill, but I cannot tell you how much money I have kept in circulation by saying, "Of course he shoved that, he had KQ....SOOTED." Nor how much money I've unseated by raising a judg-y eyebrow to someone who hates to hear "I think you're wrong".

    Yes, math only players will post results-- and it is valid, and perhaps the most important aspect of the game, but there's something real to be said for taking a step back to think about your own headspace, as well as the headspaces of your opponents to foster and direct their actions.
    My view of you has changed with this post.You are ons Kool Chick. I know you will have some sort of reply to this as you always like to have the last word.A usual female trait.:D
  • Level five meta-game
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Level five meta-game
    I am thinking of buying a meta game deck of cards to get started.
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