PC Questions for PFC, an unrelated Tech-support thread

I was hoping that one of the kind, computer literate souls might take mercy on me...

My kid downloaded something that came complete with Omiga-plus-- an unwanted browser hijack, doing God knows what else. I deleted just about everything in the free world and still it taunts me.

I've spent the last two hours googling the shit outta this, but I'm not getting anywhere, despite following the steps listed..Omiga is still my homepage.

Any insights/places to check for solutions? Please explain in small words...I really don't do "computer maintenance".

My general plan of attack is to slam my computer on to the nest of an endangered bird species every two years while screaming, "SCREW YOU FUTURE GRANDCHILDREN, AND YOUR STINKIN' ENVIRONMENT". Then I get into a rented gas-guzzler and drive to the store, careful to leave it running while I just buy a damn new one.

I'm thinking this may be an unnecessary step because my home page sucks.

THE POT SWEETENER: I am prepared to offer a no-mouse, MSpaint of your choosing as payment.


  • kristy-albums-random-picture243-my-work-speaks-itself.png

    Something I whipped up to help you fully understand the high caliber of my work.
  • Well I just got back in and as I have offered and done before for PFC members I can log on remotely and try and fix it. If you want to go to TeamViewer - Free Remote Control, Remote Access & Online Meetings, clisk on "join remote control session", click on run, authorize a couple of things, PM me the 9 digit number and 4 digit password, voila I'm in and will attempt to fix it remotely..
  • in b4 Comp has a stroke from the content of Kristy's computer
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    in b4 Comp has a stroke from the content of Kristy's computer

    A guy can hope can't he?
  • hmmm...I guess has a stroke is ambiguous
  • Not in Kristy's case . . .
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well I just got back in and as I have offered and done before for PFC members I can log on remotely and try and fix it. If you want to go to TeamViewer - Free Remote Control, Remote Access & Online Meetings, clisk on "join remote control session", click on run, authorize a couple of things, PM me the 9 digit number and 4 digit password, voila I'm in and will attempt to fix it remotely..

    Wow Jeff! I'm seriously sensible of how generous that offer is. Before I ask you to do that thing you usually get paid for-for free. I'm gonna put GW on the job when he gets up (which may be a bit...he was at a bachelor party last night, and we all know stripper glitter takes forever to scrub off). Plus that'll give me time to move the damning evidence to an external hard drive..

    This thread made me realize how dirty talking about computers is.
  • Kristy wrote: »

    Something I whipped up to help you fully understand the high caliber of my work.

    No love?!? I giggled for like 20 mins when I made this last night.
  • Kristy wrote: »
    No love?!? I giggled for like 20 mins when I made this last night.

    Gotta admit, I had to look that up.. That always makes a joke lose some of it's luster.. And ok, I'm not always with it.

    I'm up and around, not going anywhere for a while, let me know when you want me to give it a try. And I promise to keep my eyes closed through the whole process. You can even watch and see what I do. I'll keep a wordpad window open as well where we can communicate back and forth during the process.
  • Comp does good work Kristy.

    I had to look it up too Comp. Internet slang dictionary is gonna get bookmarked this weekend if this keeps up. Ine gettin' old.
  • Lol Jeff. I trust you completely. I just don't feel right taking you up on your offer unless I'm certain I've done everything in my power to take care of the problem myself.
    This feels like a LMGTFY for real life...
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Lol Jeff. I trust you completely. I just don't feel right taking you up on your offer unless I'm certain I've done everything in my power to take care of the problem myself.
    This feels like a LMGTFY for real life...

    Jeff will have it done by the time you've gone through your 4th search return. Don't waste your time when you could be posting.

    I'm sure he also wants to be able to say he was deep in the bowels of Kristy's puter.

    PS Finally something I didn't have to look up! Figgered it out all on my own!
  • Jeff will have it done by the time you've gone through your 4th search return. Don't waste your time when you could be posting.

    I'm sure he also wants to be able to say he was deep in the bowels of Kristy's puter.

    PS Finally something I didn't have to look up! Figgered it out all on my own!

    Bwahahaha, A+ work.
    Ps. Congrats on going green while I was away!
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Lol Jeff. I trust you completely. I just don't feel right taking you up on your offer unless I'm certain I've done everything in my power to take care of the problem myself.
    This feels like a LMGTFY for real life...

    PM me the teamviewer codes and I'll get to it... Trip report to follow...

    Man Bill, your last comment almost scared me off..:p
  • I am sure comp will get you sorted out, but if not its a good opportunity for a fresh wipe.

    backup your documents, music, etc with an external HD, then start from scratch with a fresh OS install. yeah it's a minor pain in the ass but your PC will feel like new again and more importantly you can be confident that the adware will be gone for good.

    small words version:

    1. bak up yer shit
    2. turn off yer shit
    3. put in the disc that came with yer shit
    4. turn yer shit on
    5. look for words like "clean install" and "format drive"
    6. keep clicking OK until you see a desktop


    7. post back here so we can point you to the drivers you will need.
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    I am sure comp will get you sorted out, but if not its a good opportunity for a fresh wipe.

    backup your documents, music, etc with an external HD, then start from scratch with a fresh OS install. yeah it's a minor pain in the ass but your PC will feel like new again and more importantly you can be confident that the adware will be gone for good.

    small words version:

    1. bak up yer shit
    2. turn off yer shit
    3. put in the disc that came with yer shit May not be a disk, may be a reload partition.4. turn yer shit on May have to change boot order
    5. look for words like "clean install" and "format drive"
    6. keep clicking OK until you see a desktop


    7. post back here so we can point you to the drivers you will need. May also need network driver prior to getting online to post about drivers.

    Depending on make/model may be an option for F11 and reload.
  • Working on Kristy now..
  • compuease wrote: »
    Working on Kristy now..

    So, you're done with the computer? What was wrong with Kristy?
  • So, you're done with the computer? What was wrong with Kristy?

    Waiting for her to get the pc back on teamviewer... lol, I expect Kristy would be a much tougher "fix" than the computer and I'm not touching that one with a 10 ft pole..
  • Now Kristy can't get the pc to connect. I may have saved the interwebs...:)
  • she fell for the old comp will fix it gag?
  • Wired connections itt...
    I feel soo old school!
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Wired connections itt...
    I feel soo old school!

    see you on Paradise Poker
  • need the make and model of this pc.. I think it's an HP but not sure of the model.
  • Took a guess and think I was right. Trip report to follow after Kristy confirms all is ok.
  • Sorry, there is sticker that won't scan that is supposed to give me details...I've been trying to get it to work
    The only other thing it says is "HP 2000 Notebook PC"
  • Ohhh, just looked at your message on the word pad. EPIC SUCCESS!

  • Kristy wrote: »
    Ohhh, just looked at your message on the word pad. EPIC SUCCESS!


    However I fear I may not be long for this mod thing... Fixing networks, servers pc's, people problems is a piece of cake compared to modding. ;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    However I fear I may not be long for this mod thing...

    You may not leave me alone here. I'm not asking.
  • Trip report:

    Cleaned up quite a bit of malware, likely mostly as a result of clicking on things one shouldn't..

    One item that Kristy was posting about, Omiga, is a pretty nasty browser hijacker that would really slow your pc down as well as throw all sorts of adverts at you, took me a while to get that one as I hadn't seen it before, must be a yankee thing. ;)

    For anyone else that needs help like this, feel free to ask. I don't get all that much time to practice my detective techie skills these days as the corporate world generally doesn't have these issues. I actually enjoy the change of pace.
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