

  • Yep the interwebz has degenerated into using it show the abuse a of 2 year old by her douche bag parents somehow all in the name of charity?
  • People keep nominating me on fb, and I keep telling them to go Fuck themselves
  • Maybe ill do it and nominate comp and Milo :D
  • Best one is Patrick Stewart's, followed VERY closely by Geddy Lee's.

    For sheer awesomeness, however, you have to give it to Old Spice Guy.
  • PK Subban used a dump truck full of water, 60 bags of ice. It was pretty good. Beast.

  • Got to admit . . . that takes some stones.
  • OHTNCTRHM wrote: »
    Maybe ill do it and nominate comp and Milo :D

    How about instead of doing it, donate some $ to the ALS.ca

    I'd rather you donate the $ then dump the icewater on your head.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    How about instead of doing it, donate some $ to the ALS.ca

    I'd rather you donate the $ then dump the icewater on your head.

    If he donates $100. to ALS.ca by sending it to Wolff to guarantee it gets done, Wolff can dump the bucket of icewater on my head at RC XVI, deal?

    Pic and many witnesses at that event to prove.
  • ive read way too much propaganda about this on fb. the fact that ppl dump water on people heads is a joke considering many people in this world dont have clean drinking water

    im a one drop supporter

    I also read only about 27% of all donations actually goes to funding research and finding a cure, I refuse to give money to it on an EV stand point, too much vig imo
  • I was nominated . . . will be donating but not taking the plunge. I have already done a polar bear event, and THAT was frigging enough for me.
  • While it is unfortunate that people in the world do not have clean drinking water, I do not believe that we should worry about the water used during the ice bucket challenge. I would imagine that most challenges use less than 5L of water. The average shower uses 19L per minute!!
    So if you are against the ice bucket challenge for the wasting of water, you better not be taking more than one shower a week.
    Also, I do not believe that this is detracting from the amount of money people are donating to other charities, as this is likely extra donations. Many people are not spontaneous donors and have yearly donation schedules.
    I commend all that have spread awareness through the ice bucket challenge as well as donating money towards finding a cure for ALS.
  • I think ALS is a stupid cause...kills like 600 people/year in N.A. and is not especially close to a break through...

    What's cancer, 72,000/yr?

    That being said, I very much enjoy all the uncomfortable, soggy, d-bags
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I think ALS is a stupid cause...kills like 600 people/year in N.A. and is not especially close to a break through...

    What's cancer, 72,000/yr?

    That being said, I very much enjoy all the uncomfortable, soggy, d-bags


  • I look at ALS as another hipster money grab thing

    Just like KONY

    People feel popular and cool for being nominated and it turns into a popularity contest and the cause gets lost
  • OHTNCTRHM wrote: »
    Last edited by OHTNCTRHM; Today at 07:15 PM. Reason: dont wanna be considered trolling

    I wonder if I should edit mine, so that everyone knows I AM trolling...
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I think ALS is a stupid cause...kills like 600 people/year in N.A. and is not especially close to a break through...

    What's cancer, 72,000/yr?

    That being said, I very much enjoy all the uncomfortable, soggy, d-bags

    Hi Kristy . . . hope no one you know is ever afflicted. It is a terrible thing to see what ALS does to a person. Very much akin to Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.
  • Thank you.
    I hope no one you know succumbs to the perils of falling icicles, which kill 1000 people a year-a full 400 more than ALS--and make this "challenge" even more stupid.

    Did you know that falling icicles kill 1000 people a year in…. | Facts WT
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I think ALS is a stupid cause...kills like 600 people/year in N.A. and is not especially close to a break through...

    What's cancer, 72,000/yr?

    That being said, I very much enjoy all the uncomfortable, soggy, d-bags

    FYI you seem like a bit of a soggy d-bag yourself.
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    FYI you seem like a bit of a soggy d-bag yourself.

    Ruh roh . . . Kristy lives in MN, man, pretty much the Patron State of icicles . . . and Winter is coming.
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    FYI you seem like a bit of a soggy d-bag yourself.
    Milo wrote: »
    Ruh roh . . . Kristy lives in MN, man, pretty much the Patron State of icicles . . . and Winter is coming.

    The nuclear reaction may preclude winter.... duck..
  • compuease wrote: »
    The nuclear reaction may preclude winter.... duck..

    The guy's got a picture of himself holding cards as an avatar.
    Doesn't warrant a response.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    The guy's got a picture of himself holding cards as an avatar.
    Doesn't warrant a response.

  • Dumb comparison. Falling icicles is something you can easily avoid if you've got half a brain.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Dumb comparison. Falling icicles is something you can easily avoid if you've got half a brain.

    Delicious. :)
  • challange tho.
  • so my principal and vice principal have agreed to do an ice bucket challenge. my VP has specifically asked the staff to try and come up with some crazy way for them to do it. any ideas?
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