What Laptop Do I buy tomorrow.

My niece is in Japan.

She needs a laptop. She's a school teacher. She doesn't have a tablet.

What laptop do I buy. I need to get it tomorrow.


  • What kinds of specs is she looking for? What exactly will she be running on it? Even if its not that highly demanding, you will still want something that isnt complete crap and laptops (although not as bad as in the past) will generally perform weaker and be more expensive than its desktop counterpart in terms of equality.
  • Since she's already in Japan, can't she buy a better laptop with all the specs she needs in a Apple or PC store there, instead of you buying here? If I was her, I would buy what the other teachers are using and what the school's IT supports.
    My niece is in Japan.
  • ya send her some money than u dont have to pay for shipping the laptop, japan is like the land of technology :D:D
  • She's Canadian. She needs a laptop set up for English with and English/US keyboard.
  • She's Canadian. She needs a laptop set up for English with and English/US keyboard.

    Surely she can buy an English laptop there? This is the modern world. Also if it's English she can set the keyboard to US/English in control panel..

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