Thursday, March 6th

Good Evening Poker fans and welcome to another edition of Poker Night in Brampton.

Your host welcomes you to his home this Thursday night, March 6th for a friendly game of Texas No-Limit Poker

Doors will open at 7:30pm with the Cards hitting the felt at 8:00pm.

Snacks and pop will be provided by the Host.


BUYIN: $30 + $5 optional Bounty
STARTING CHIP: 1500 in chips

BLIND SCHEDULE: Blinds will be 20 minutes in duration for each level. There will be a 5 min break at the end of the third blind level to allow for bathroom breaks, smoke breaks, and a 10 min break at the end of the 6th level for more bathroom/smoke breaks and chip colour ups.

BLINDS are 20 minutes in length

BREAK 10 MINS Colour Up (reds removed from game)
200/400 Colour Up (greens removed)

Each weekly event, the pot will be split on a 60/40 with 5 or 6 players, 50/30/20 for first, second, and third for 7-17 players, and 50/25/15/10 for 18 or more players. Any chops will be at the discretion of the final players. If all agree to chop a different way, then it shall be chopped.

For the most part, ROBERT’S RULES OF POKER will govern all games. If you don’t have a copy of these rules, then I suggest you download a copy for your personal review. In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved, reference will be made to this document and settled. All resolutions based on these rules will be final.

Other than above, the rules are pretty standard:
1) No string betting – best to announce your bet/raise before moving your chips. That way, if you are unclear on the chip values, everyone will know what you meant. Once you announce your bet/raise, you must move in the appropriate amount of chips
2) No coaching during a hand – if you’re out of the hand, but a buddy is still in, DO NOT tell him/her what the board reads, nor edge them along in any way. It’s their hand, their decision. There should be NO hand discussion by ANYONE during a hand, regardless of the fact you are in or out of the hand.
3) If asked by a player in the hand, the dealer will do chip counts of the pot and/or other player’s chips. Again, if you’re not in the hand, don’t ask.
4) Seating is done randomly. There will be no choice in seat selection.
5) Game time is the time the cards are DEALT. BE THERE OR BE BLINDED OUT.
6) If you commit to play, PLAN ON ATTENDING. Nothing worse than planning a night of poker only to find someone expected to show up doesn’t show up. If you can’t make it, call ahead of time.
7) Get a bad beat?? Live with it!! It’s part of the game and should be expected to happen to everyone at one time or another. Anyone flipping out on a bad beat will be beaten badly.
8) Cards talk. So if you declare your hand a trip and it’s actually a full house, it’s considered a full house.
9) Show one/show all. If you show a card, either on purpose or accidentally, all players must see the card. DO NOT show a hand you intend to fold to another player still in the hand. Intentionally showing a card to an opponent during play will automatically forfeit your hand.
10) If your hand goes to showdown, BOTH hole cards must shown to win.
11) MUST be 19 yrs of age or older.
12) The decision of the HOST if final, whereupon the HOST has exhausted all avenues of reconciliation via use of these House Rules and RROP.

These rules are subject to change at the discretion of the governing body of the league based upon ROBERT’S RULES OF POKER.

Alcohol is your decision to supply, unless offered by the host. Smoking is permitted only outside or in the enclosed porch area during break time (after fourth blind level). You MUST be in your seat at the start of the next blind level or be blinded in.

For the most part, these games are meant to be fun and enjoyable social events, but still keep a fairly high level of competition. Although most of us take the game seriously enough to want to try to win consistently, we still have fun and enjoy each other’s company first and foremost. Everyone loses with the same attitude as we win with. Anybody NOT having fun or NOT enjoying himself or herself need not return to any future games/tournaments.

Who's in? :confused:

HitmenZ24 (Jeremy)


  • Ya

    tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
  • In . . . will advise of any +1s
  • please

    Milton Slim
  • Milo wrote: »
    In . . . will advise of any +1s

    Sounds good
  • We are up to 4 so far! Room for more!
  • Everybody seems to have activities booked for Thursday nights . . . even the wife.
  • anyone else? bueller?
  • more bodies...
    or I swim to shore!

    Milton Slim

    Am I on Break detail?
  • Don't cut it off Dave. Maybe just trim it a little. Unless you aren't using it?

    tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    more bodies...
    or I swim to shore!

    Milton Slim

    Am I on Break detail?

    Are you in or out Dave? I don't mind playing with 4
  • If Dave cancels then that will bring us to 3 players, which I think is too few to run it tonight.

    Any thoughts?
  • HitmenZ24 wrote: »
    Are you in or out Dave? I don't mind playing with 4

    Long way to drive to get caught first bluff!

    I'll be there!

  • on the way . . .
  • It was a fun night of cards. We had 4 people show and played with the following results:

    1st - pkrfce9
    2nd - ddmilcan
    3rd - HitmenZ24
    4th - Milo

    We decided to play a 2nd tournament and here was the results of it:

    1st - HitmenZ24
    2nd - pkrfce9
    3rd - ddmilcan

    Thanks for making it out guys and hopefully we can more people out for future games.
  • thank you for hosting.

    it was a fun game.
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