500 6Max $3.50 Challege
Inspired by trigs challenge ,I deceided to try one of my own. I started with $110.00 in my stars account.I started with some $1.50s to get a feel for the games. I now have over 100bi for the $3.50 games. My goals are to build up my account to 100bi for the $7.00 games. Wish me luck:)
Have you tried the 6 max 2 table sng's? Don't know how soft they still are.
Anyway I'll take 5%:p
Planning the same as you, play the 3.50's then maybe to the 7's in the 27 man's with hotjenny314 if you have heard of her before, I think Hobbes knows of her.
Groundhog day tho.
I hear ya on that one.:frown:
keep it up man