for all you tilt monkeys out there!
Full Tilt Poker Introduces Adrenaline Rush | PokerNews
Every Adrenaline Rush ring game is four-handed, betting is capped at 10 big blinds and buy-ins range from five to 10 big blinds. All betting occurs pre-flop and in most instances Adrenaline Rush players only get the option to raise or fold.
For some odd reason I feel these would be +ev for Mario.
Twister Poker Rolls Out Across iPoker Skins | Pokerfuse Online Poker News
Full Tilt Poker set to introduce new
agreed. it's one thing to use them as a promotion (like the recent week challenge where if you gained enough points you qualified for a free flip tournament with added prize money), but it's completely different to actually buy in to one of these.
like you suggest, this is barely even poker at this point.
when i'm seriously grinding MTTs, yes my ITM is higher than 10%. when i'm donking off cash in turbos/hypers in the evening after work, maybe i'd prefer these tournaments.
okay, i've officially tried them. will never play them again.
Only good thing to come from them is somehow the lottery donks will reg for other mtt sng's which would get the traffic back in those.