I'm looking for a web designer

While i'm not certain i'll be proceeding with an idea i've had. Anyone on the forum with experience in web site design and interested in some work, send me a PM. I may contact you.

Just trying to figure out the logistics and if my idea can actually be profitable.


  • I toyed with simpler designs a few years ago. Nothing too elaborate. If you read up on the html language itself, it really isn't that hard to pick up the basics. HTML stands for hypertext markup language. A fancy name for a common standard that simply lets the internet users share common content, across many different platforms. ie: IBM, MAC, Unix, etc.

    Also, a neat program called Hotdog Express actually lets you make your own simple web page without learning html at all. It even lets you send it to your web domain easier than the old fashioned method using DOS. But I used the other feature it has too. Once you create a page, you can view the source code to see how the program coded the page. Great as a learning tool if you're into basic web design yourself. Or, right click your mouse on any web page you like, and then select "view source" to see the html used to create that webpage.

    How easy is it? If you wanted a simple page done, with a few pictures, and a link to an email address maybe, plus some basic product info you already had typed out, it could be done in a few minutes.

    If you only want a basic page, let me know. I'd probably do it for nothing.
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