Seriously, Quebec, WTF man?


What the hell Quebec? I know you guys have always been a little bit nutty, but this shit is straight up embarrassing.

Charter of Quebec values would ban religious symbols for public workers - Montreal - CBC News

Clearly I'm not a fan of religion, but I'm a lesser fan of outright fucktardedness. Quebec, first the soccer thing, now this? Why not just outright say you hate the muslims (and all those other kooky people that have to wear things, I'm sure you don't let the details get in the way).

Discuss as you will.



  • To play Devil's Advocate . . . this is simply the reductio absurdum result of removing all religious symbolism from society in general. After all, separation of Church and State, right?

    On the plus side, this will likely not survive a vote in the National Assembly and, if it did, we would probably be the beneficiaries, just as we were in the 70's when Rene Levesque raised his tobacco shrouded head.
  • Milo wrote: »
    To play Devil's Advocate . . . this is simply the reductio absurdum result of removing all religious symbolism from society in general. After all, separation of Church and State, right?

    On the plus side, this will likely not survive a vote in the National Assembly and, if it did, we would probably be the beneficiaries, just as we were in the 70's when Rene Levesque raised his tobacco shrouded head.

    I hope you're right that this will be shot down, because it IS embarrassing. However, your fancy greek wording and saying "separation.. blah blah"? Dismissive...

    This picture of the "inappropriate"...


    Followed by this image of the "acceptable"


    Is straight up bigotry in picture form.... they made a point of showing a "tiny crucifix" being okay is abhorrent... how the fuck can they argue that public employees must not show any sore of religious bias, but tiny crosses are okay? Exactly how big need a cross be before it is no longer neutral? Are they arguing that person may just be a big fan on the lower-case t? Get fucked.

  • Not dismissive at all . . . the extreme extension (reducing and idea to it's absurdist conclusion) of separating Church and State is just such a ban as this. The xenophobia comes in when the PQ begins to make allowances for what they deem to be "the right" symbols.

    But you can relax . . . even members of her own caucus are upset with this crap. sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  • so messed up obviously.
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