Proposed Name Change to AJ Cup

I am going to throw this out there if it has not been done already.

The Name Royal Cup really has no real meaning to this poker forum other than we did not want to get sued for the Ryder Cup we had for the first few.

I propose changing the name to the AJ Cup.

Let me know if I am wrong! We can have proceeds go to the family if anyone is interested.



  • Lol, this is one of the ideas I was also mulling over in my mind as well. Let's see what others think.
  • I don't have a lot of history with the RC, having only played in it once but personally I'd rather see a completely new annual event be created in AJ's honour. Some kind of tournament that begins with no previous history other than AJ's presence in our lives. Maybe a nice big trophy with his name on it that the winner gets to keep for the year and have the yearly winner's names engraved on it as well. Have $20 come off everyone's entry go towards either a charity or group that AJ believed in or even his grandchildren's educations. That's my 2 cents

    EDIT: either way, STR82ACE's dedication to this forum, it's people and the game of poker will be honoured is some fashion, that we'll all agree on :)
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I don't have a lot of history with the RC, having only played in it once but personally I'd rather see a completely new annual event be created in AJ's honour. Some kind of tournament that begins with no previous history other than AJ's presence in our lives. Maybe a nice big trophy with his name on it that the winner gets to keep for the year and have the yearly winner's names engraved on it as well. Have $20 come off everyone's entry go towards either a charity or group that AJ believed in or even his grandchildren's educations. That's my 2 cents

    EDIT: either way, STR82ACE's dedication to this forum, it's people and the game of poker will be honoured is some fashion, that we'll all agree on :)

    I know from experience that getting 50+ poker players together for an event is difficult at best. Getting 50+ for a 3rd event within this poker community will be next to impossible.

    If you don't like the name change how about the warding of the trophy...the AJ Cup! I will donate to have one made.
  • No. This was Sandros baby not AJs. Ching Hill can rename their season ending tourney the AJ Cup.
  • I agree with Moose on this one...

    I was a big fan of AJ as well, but there needs to be a bit more reasoning than sentimentality to adding his name to something, otherwise it loses some of the importance.

  • AS much as I like AJ, I tend to agree with Mark and Moose that we need to keep sentiment from over-riding our judgement. In AJ's primer on the Royal Cup, even he notes that it was Sandro's idea (with some help from comp.). I do not think he would approve of appropriating someone else's work as a tribute to himself.

    I like the idea Ching Hill's SET being referred to as the AJ White trophy. I even have an idea about what could be used for the award.
  • I didn't think I"d ever say this but I agree with Milo...... May the Lord have mercy on my soul.
  • The nhl has multiple cups. From that perspective, if someone wants to donate a cup for the mvp I say let them. They can call it what they want.

    No, Tapatalk says this can't be changed.
  • I kinda agree that the Royal Cup stays the Royal Cup but would be ok if there was an MVP trophy (most points at the Royal) called the AJ Cup.. Or if the Ching Hill league continues, have that SET trophy be called the AJ Cup... Either is good with me..
  • MVP is even further from AJ than the Royal! lol

    I kid I kid... I think it's a ching hilll trophy thing, make it the MVP for their team, an in-group award.

  • Best reaction to having their aces cracked at the Royal -trophy?
  • As far as the Ching Hill SET trophy idea . . . last year at Christmas we chipped in and purchased a piece of art for the big guy. It was a piece of granite tile that was inscribed with the Ching Hill name and logo (the tall pine). I plan on recommending that this be awarded to the winner of each SET from here on, and returned at the start of each new season in order to display it on game nights. Assuming, of course, the family is willing to part with it.

    Leave the Royal as it is. Maybe this time out have a moment's silence, or put Bruins pucks on all the tables as dealer buttons, but that is enough of a tribute, imo.
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