hardly played any poker all summer but...

i managed to finish off almost all my backyard landscaping! the wife, my father, and i did it all ourselves - put in around 700 square feet of patio, re-bricked the basement walk-up, put up a shed, added a new gate, and put in a retaining wall. there's still a few things left to do (a little back filling, and still have to put a rail in for the walk-up), but pretty much all finished.

i did pay someone to break up the old patio as that would have been a huge job to do myself, but all in all i probably saved around $20 grand doing the work myself.

some before and after pics below. i'm so proud :)


  • nice work... it's a real good feeling to do a project like this on your own place isn't it...
  • That looks great !! doesn't look like a DIY project.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    That looks great !! doesn't look like a DIY project.

    my father is kind of a handyman of sorts. when he retired years ago he started doing random landscaping/construction/renovation jobs just for fun. as he always used to tell me, "whenever someone asks you if you know how to do a job, just say yes and look it up later" ;) i wouldn't have been able to do it without his help. and just to give a shout out to my wife, she definitely held her own as well and didn't shy away from the tons (literally) of dirt and gravel we had to dig up and cart around.
  • compuease wrote: »
    nice work... it's a real good feeling to do a project like this on your own place isn't it...

    so true comp. it feels great to do all this for my own place.
  • Nice. So when are you going to have a WPT/WSOP tournament to celebrate? ;)
    trigs wrote: »
    hardly played any poker all summer
  • Looks very nice man! Well done. And good call on hiring someone to do the digging.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Nice. So when are you going to have a WPT/WSOP tournament to celebrate? ;)

    lol, i have been contemplating having a poker game at my place. i have plenty of room in the basement for one. i was also debating on having a big (well, for me) BAP at the end of the summer but just was too busy...
  • UBetIFold wrote: »
    Looks very nice man! Well done. And good call on hiring someone to do the digging.

    heh, well technically that's not true. i hired someone to break up and ship away the concrete patio and pathways that were originally there. they were pretty thick in parts and had a decent amount of re-bar in them. doing it myself with a jackhammer would have been a nightmare. they brought in their little truck thing with a huge jackhammer and smashed it all up. still took them 2 days doing it that way.

    now once they removed the concrete, the wife and i did all the digging. mostly in 30+ degrees weather as well lol. it took a while, but i'd rather do the dirty work and save money on paying someone else to do it.
  • nice work.
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