Abortion ... the next step.

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say - Telegraph

I argued earlier that this would be the next step in the abortion fight. How long before is becomes law? I thought I read it was on dockets to become law, but time doesn't allow me to search. But it is coming.


  • I argued earlier that this would be the next step in the abortion fight.
    I doubt very much that it will be . . .

    How long before is becomes law?
    I put the over under at infinity, and I am taking the "over".

    I thought I read it was on dockets to become law, but time doesn't allow me to search. But it is coming.

    No, Brent, it really isn't. Though interesting purely as a thought problem, this will NEVER become law, and only a lunatic would even propose it. Any MP that pushed this as a Private Member's bill in Canadian Parliament would be kicked out of their respective party so fast there would be shock-waves.

    I do not agree with our current lack of Law surrounding abortion but this is beyond the pale.
  • How long before is becomes law?


    back to your hole
  • If anyone you know doesn't want to take care of their baby, PM me. I will gladly adopt it. Another -ev move Blondefish, I know.
  • you have now moved from zealot to declerate, congrats!

    4 vanilla oreos for you, ding! ding! ding!
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    If anyone you know doesn't want to take care of their baby, PM me. I will gladly adopt it. Another -ev move Blondefish, I know.

    Nice, maybe we need an adoption section to keep the forum alive..

    And Brent, are you just trying to stir up sh**....? Your next step is just hogwash...
  • compuease wrote: »

    And Brent, are you just trying to stir up sh**....?

    nah, there must be a newsletter, original thought is not in the repertoire
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    If anyone you know doesn't want to take care of their baby, PM me. I will gladly adopt it. Another -ev move Blondefish, I know.

    Thanks for the out;)

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Thanks for the out;)


    Now that would be interesting, Jah looking after a little GTA...>:D
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    nah, there must be a newsletter, original thought is not in the repertoire

    You can be a bit of a moron Dave. I made this claim in another thread awhile ago. Did you even read the article? And for the record, when do you ever have an original thought? Oh wait you and your little Asian "friend" that we are suppose to believe.

    Comp, not trying to stir things up, just pointing out that the conversation is happening around the world not just in North America.

    Milo, you say not ever? How far back do you have to go in history where abortion was the unthinkable?

  • Comp, not trying to stir things up, just pointing out that the conversation is happening around the world not just in North America.
    Come on, that's gotta be "fringe" elements we're talking about here, hardly happening around the world. Certainly not mainstream, I've never heard of it before.. Is something strange happening in Korea we should know about?..
  • You can be a bit of a moron Dave. I made this claim in another thread awhile ago. Did you even read the article? And for the record, when do you ever have an original thought? Oh wait you and your little Asian "friend" that we are suppose to believe.

    Comp, not trying to stir things up, just pointing out that the conversation is happening around the world not just in North America.

    Milo, you say not ever? How far back do you have to go in history where abortion was the unthinkable?

    All of my thoughts are my own. Yours come from a book.

    Are you gonna grab some slaves while you are at it?
  • We all know that a big part of being a zealot is trying to control other people.

    What is your stance on the morning after pill? I'll give you a few minutes to consult with your clan prior to responding.
  • wrote:
    How far back do you have to go in history where abortion was the unthinkable?

    < 0AD. Let's not get silly here.
  • Oh wait you and your little Asian "friend" that we are suppose to believe.

    Are you referring to the Asian girl from San Jose? Some of us do get laid...although that was not the case in that instance:(

  • Milo, you say not ever? How far back do you have to go in history where abortion was the unthinkable?

    Brent, and I mean this sincerely. I will wager ANY amount you care to name . . . hell, I will BAP my side of the wager if needed.

    In our lifetimes this will NEVER happen in a developed country (ie Europe, North America). Hell, I will even entertain odds if you like.
  • That said, this is a classic stir the pot thread and you know it.
  • Milo wrote: »
    That said, this is a classic stir the pot thread and you know it.

    Planned Parenthood?s defense of infanticide - Washington Post

    Here is a snipit of the article: notice the bold

    "The fact is, it is not as unusual for children to be left to die after a failed abortion as some might think. Right now in Philadelphia, abortionist Kermit Gosnell is on trial for the murder of seven infants who were born alive. According to District Attorney Seth Williams, Gosnell “induced labor, forced the live birth of viable babies in the sixth, seventh, eighth month of pregnancy and then killed those babies by cutting into the back of the neck with scissors and severing their spinal cord.” Prosecutors said that Gosnell ended hundreds of pregnancies in this way. “These killings became so routine that no one could put an exact number on them. They were considered ‘standard procedure.’ ”

    Across the border in Canada, the government reports that between 2000 and 2009, 491 babies were left to die after they were born alive during abortions. There are no similar statistics here in the United States, but according to the Abortion Survivors Network there are an estimated 44,000 abortion survivors living in the country today. How many more did not survive for lack of medical care?"

    Washington Post This Year

    Maybe not my life time but maybe your daughters lifetime.

    Do a google search on the phrase after birth abortion to read the deiscussion
  • Planned Parenthood?s defense of infanticide - Washington Post

    Here is a snipit of the article: notice the bold

    "The fact is, it is not as unusual for children to be left to die after a failed abortion as some might think. Right now in Philadelphia, abortionist Kermit Gosnell is on trial for the murder of seven infants who were born alive. According to District Attorney Seth Williams, Gosnell “induced labor, forced the live birth of viable babies in the sixth, seventh, eighth month of pregnancy and then killed those babies by cutting into the back of the neck with scissors and severing their spinal cord.” Prosecutors said that Gosnell ended hundreds of pregnancies in this way. “These killings became so routine that no one could put an exact number on them. They were considered ‘standard procedure.’ ”

    Across the border in Canada, the government reports that between 2000 and 2009, 491 babies were left to die after they were born alive during abortions. There are no similar statistics here in the United States, but according to the Abortion Survivors Network there are an estimated 44,000 abortion survivors living in the country today. How many more did not survive for lack of medical care?"

    Washington Post This Year

    Maybe not my life time but maybe your daughters lifetime.

    Is this part of your original thinking?

    What is your stance on the morning after pill?

    Will give you some more time to consult your texts.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Is this part of your original thinking?

    What is your stance on the morning after pill?

    Will give you some more time to consult your texts.

    You know the answer to the question already. so why ask it?
  • You know the answer to the question already. so why ask it?

    I do not know your stance on the morning after pill. Is there a reason you will not state it?
  • Oh man....

    Imma gonna read that article through, but I get this sneaking suspicion that this is a "thought experiment" vs, you know, science.
    Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say - Telegraph

    I argued earlier that this would be the next step in the abortion fight. How long before is becomes law? I thought I read it was on dockets to become law, but time doesn't allow me to search. But it is coming.
    So we have an article in the Telegraph. This just in, Fox news correspondents found to highly agree.
    And for the record, when do you ever have an original thought?

    Isn't that just the pope calling the grand mufti a sham!
    How far back do you have to go in history where abortion was the unthinkable?

    Was practiced in Hamlet by Ophelia, some 400+ years ago... sure that's a work of fiction, but we've been accepting those so far in these conversations. Gonna throw a quote in from a great man who for real real exists;

    Ophelia, she's 'neath the window,
    for her I feel so afraid.
    On her 22nd birthday,
    she already is an old maid.

    To her death is quite romantic,
    she wears an iron vest.
    Her profession is her religion,
    her sin is her lifelessness
    when do you ever have an original thought


    He can pull the god card giving us our free will, or he can pull the philosophy card of no original thoughts!

    Hey! A referenced article again! Twice in one thread?!?! :O Let's do some readin!!

    Oh.. Huh... Marc Thiessen?

    A few of the choicer blurbs...

    "served as a speechwriter for United States President George W. Bush (2004–2009)"

    Hmm, well... people gotta put food on the table ya know?

    "he argued that the enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA, which the Obama administration has characterized as torture,[2] are not torture by any reasonable legal or moral standard[3] and "were not only effective, but lawful and morally just:

    Well, I wonder what the new testament says about waterboarding....

    "six years (1995–2001) on Capitol Hill as spokesman and senior policy advisor to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms"

    Oh! Wonder what Jesse Helms was like?

    "nickname, "Senator No".[7] He opposed, at various times, civil rights, disability rights, feminism, gay rights, affirmative action, abortion, and government support for contemporary art with graphic sexuality.[8] Helms brought an "aggressiveness"[9] to his conservatism, as in his rhetoric against homosexuality, and employed racially charged language in his campaigns and editorials"

    Well, that seems, completely horrible actually. At least he was consistent? I mean, blacks, women, gays, minorities, women (again), art with sexuality (trifecta against women! History has shown that male sexuality is okay, but women's is instantly super censored). And he showcased all of this with good old racist and homophobic words? Nice. Wait, 25 years in senate?


    Anyways, back to our buddy Marc.... Hey! He wrote a whole book!!

    "based on a series of slipshod premises."
    "head of Scotland Yard's anti-terrorism branch in 2006 as saying that Thiessen's account of the Heathrow plot is "completely and utterly wrong" "
    "Matthew Alexander, a former military interrogator and author of How to Break a Terrorist, characterises Thiessen's book as 'a literary defense of war criminals"

    Well that all seems kinda like... crazy talk stuff doesn't it? Maybe this particular fella isn't someone to use to back your argument!

    I bet WBC backs him up though...

    #disguisethehate #godonourside #dylanstillhaditright #superioritythroughfairytales

  • You know the answer to the question already. so why ask it?

    I ask this with all sincerity (and will enjoy the people who believe it's sarcasm) do you even know what the morning after pill does? Cause it sounds like you think it causes an abortion.
  • Comp, not trying to stir things up

    I call bullshit.

    You dont make threads like this without the intention of "stirring things up"
  • Maybe he is in North Korea, might explain some of these posts.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I call bullshit.

    You dont make threads like this without the intention of "stirring things up"

  • Looks like he went back into his hole.

    Please note the typical response of zealots when they are asked to comment on issues not on their direct agenda.

    Still awaiting OP's stance on the morning after pill.

  • Maybe not my life time but maybe your daughters lifetime.

    Nope . . . not even in her child's lifetime.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I call bullshit.

    You dont make threads like this without the intention of "stirring things up"

    Really. Somehow many of these discussions abortion finds its way into them. People are so nonchalant about this issue I wondered if people were even aware that this was the next step in the conversation. Did you read the Washington Post article? Were you aware that Canada had these kind of statistic? The bottom line is Canadians should be outraged that this is going on in our country. My guess is if you read this post, it is the first time you even heard the term “After Birth Abortion” and had no idea this discussion is going on around the world.
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    Maybe he is in North Korea, might explain some of these posts.

    Maybe at Christmas time, there is a chance to go and speak in an underground church. And yes, I will post a picture of my stamped passort.
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    Looks like he went back into his hole.

    Please note the typical response of zealots when they are asked to comment on issues not on their direct agenda.

    Still awaiting OP's stance on the morning after pill.

    What hole? If you are talking about the little village I live in, it is fine. Some days I have running water and some days I don't and only have internet service while I am at school.

    Morning after pill. Without googling it, my understanding is it a pill that prevents life after intercourse, just like other pills that prevent life before intercourse. The morning after pill is suppose to be even stronger and designed to fight a potential pregnancy. Why would I be in favour of it?
    Milo wrote: »
    Nope . . . not even in her child's lifetime.

    Do you think your grandparents or greatparents thought the day would come for abortion on demand?
  • Off topic read the latest Dan Brown book Inferno. Sick theory, makes some sense, but still disturbing

    Reminds me of this a little
  • Morning after pill. Without googling it, my understanding is it a pill that prevents life after intercourse, just like other pills that prevent life before intercourse. The morning after pill is suppose to be even stronger and designed to fight a potential pregnancy. Why would I be in favour of it?

    Just what I thought, you don't know what you are talking about.

    So, you want to prevent unwanted "murders"/abortions, but you are against birth control???

    Face it, you just want to tell people what to do just like all the other of your clan. You could care less about life or death.

    There is a pill that prevents life before intercourse? I thought it was just called not having game?

    What's your solution? Sex is only allowed in marriage or when raping young boys?

    Just because you don't understand basic biology or reproduction doesn't mean you shouldn't have a strong opinion on abortion. Afterall, you just wish it was 1820 anyhow.

    How old do you believe the earth to be?

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