Work Tracking Program?

At my new job I will be medical director for a large clinic and, as such, I don't have a set schedule. I am supposed to work approx. 40h/week, but will likely work a bit more than that with teaching newer vets, etc. I'm very excited about the prospects for this clinc, but at the same time I don't want to end-up working 60h/week, so that is part of the reason I want this program.

I am looking for a PC program to track my hours that is slicker than punching numbers into word or excel. I would love something where I can record hours worked doing various tasks each day and then have the ability to sort the data so that the owners and I can see how much time is being utilized per week/month on various tasks at the clinic (eg -- 10 hours teaching surgery, 10 hours meeting with vets, 10 hours marketing the clinic, 10 hours petting puppies).

Would love me some giraffes and the ability to create summaries of activities by week, month, year.



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