GG Dennis Farina

Law & Order actor Dennis Farina dies at 69 - Arts & Entertainment - CBC News

Blood clot in his lung and he's gone. Too bad. He looked pretty good for almost 70 too.

I liked him as an actor going all the way back to Crime Story.


  • Effin tribute to Dennis Farina **NSFW LANGUAGE**

    Dennis Farina's Fuck-Fest - YouTube
  • Liked Crime Story
  • Loved Crime Story when I was a kid. Have no idea how it would hold up over time though. Very sad to see Farina go. Always a good mobster or cop.
  • Never should have ragged on Tommy about his shine box . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Never should have ragged on Tommy about his shine box . . .

    Wow, wasn't that the truth. For both of them in the end. Made vs. Not Made... Thought about that today as well.
  • You guys do know it wasn't Farina in Goodfellas, right? It was Phil Leotardo.
  • I swear, since the movie was released I thought it was him.
  • SONOFABITCH !!! Just watched the bar scene . . . you are correct. Only thing I can think of that confused me was the hair . . .
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