Wifi Miniport adapter problems

I'm losing my wifi connection for some unknown reason. I can't stay connected for more than a half hour before it disconnects, sometimes it will disconnect after just a few minutes. When I go to connect to my network I'm getting a message that says "there are no available networks". I then put the PC in sleep mode for a few seconds, wake it up and then I am able to see all the available networks and reconnect to mine. It can't be the router because our other laptop works without disconnecting as well as Netflix. I was doing some troubleshooting and came up with this. How accurate are these diagnostic checks? Is my adapter pooched? Microsoft says my driver is up to date.



  • I am having trouble with my wireless adapter as well, I think the check is pretty accurate IMO.

    Just been keeping a eye on laptop prices right now and just by a new one as I have a acer and it sucks! Never buying a acer again.
  • I may have fixed it. I uninstalled the adapter and reinstalled. the triangle exclamation mark is gone for now
  • If it comes back you can get a USB wireless adapter for about $40. Disable the internal one, plug in new one, load driver and voila!
  • compuease wrote: »
    If it comes back you can get a USB wireless adapter for about $40. Disable the internal one, plug in new one, load driver and voila!

    Have you had success with these? I used to have a D-Link one and I had similar issues with it dropping in and out at random. Ended up getting a new computer with an internal drive and it's been fine ever since.

    Maybe I just bought a dud though.
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