CDD and similar organizations

the religion debate in the other thread just got me interested in the general topic, and then my gf stumbled across a great website.

anyone ever hear of christian domestic discipline (CDD)? here are some quotations from the site for you (the attachment is also from this website):
This website is intended to be a haven for married couples who practise safe and consensual Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD), or for those who would like to learn more about CDD. It is intended to provide support and encouragement for those who believe in traditional Christian marriage, with the husband as the head of the household, and the wife as his helpmeet.
This site is not the typical "spanking" site prevalent on the web. This site focuses mainly upon improving marital relationships by sharing the guidelines and marital roles listed in God's Word.
A Domestic Discipline (DD) marriage is one in which one partner is given authority over the other, and has the means to back up that authority, usually by spanking.


  • jesus approved
  • omfg
    A fearful wife may begin crying or pleading and find it difficult to remain still. Reassure her. of your intent and love (yes this will hurt, that is why it is a punishment) then instruct her to be still. Remind her that she is not in control of this discipline. You should continue the lashing through her tears and pleas for you to stop, until you are certain the message was received. This will insure her remorse and therefore stop the undesirable behavior.
  • Hahaa

    I seriously can't decide if this is legit or a kink porn site....

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I seriously can't decide if this is legit or a kink porn site....


    oh man it's legit. fucking scary as shit though.
    1. Why would a woman want a CDD Marriage? This is a very difficult question because I don't completely understand it myself. Why do so many women actually want CDD in their marriages? Why does it appeal to us in a most basic way?
    Well, here is my theory. I believe we as women were created to be a companion and helpmeet to a loving husband (see Genesis 2). Even before the fall, we were the follower and he was the leader...Since God is a loving God and He created us to be followers, it is logical that designed into in us would be the desire and ability to be happiest in that role.
    Part of the curse was that we would no longer easily follow our husband, but rather try to control him. Since we have a sin nature, we have a hard time submitting and willingly following, BUT we are still happiest when we do exactly that. CDD puts us back into the place where we can submit and willingly follow; thus, we are happy again. That is why we are so peaceful after discipline... why we can curl up in his lap and feel forgiven and clean, all our rebellion with all its ugliness gone.
  • oh, well that clears up everything.
    5. What is the difference in CDD and Domestic Violence? Abuse is the act of hurting someone to bring about harm.
    CDD is the act of disciplining someone to bring about good.
    Both can cause pain, but the motivation is world's apart. My dentist caused me pain. My surgeon hurt me. However, they were motivated by a desire to help me. They caused pain, and hurt me, but they did not harm me.
    There is such a huge difference in abuse and CDD. An abusive marriage brings about fear, condemnation, and low self esteem.
    A CDD marriage brings a closer relationship, understanding, peace, trust, openness, and security.
    Abuse is about hate. CDD is about love.
    In the Bible, discipline is closely associated with love. Abuse is condemned, but discipline is praised.
  • btw, everything i've read so far has made suggestions that the man should be spanking the female (sometimes with objects if it's warranted) for around 5 minutes. there are also articles for how to deal with the bruises and such.

    man, if this isn't a prime example of how religion can be harmful i don't know what is.
  • So, in terms of the construct of a crime in this situation we have actus reus, but no mens rea as the intent is to do good? Anyone involved in this mess is seriously confused.
  • pshaw... that's just how we did it back in the day...;)

    seriously f'ed up...
  • Sounds pretty messed up to me . . . speaks to what Mark was getting at with folks who like to "pick and choose".
  • These guys would probably get along great with the Taliban.

    The radical elements of any religion are the ones that give the rest a bad name. This is true of Christians and Muslims, Jews too. You look at them and think that the whole religion must hold these beliefs.
  • What is the Christian stance on nipple clamps?
  • Well, I'm agin 'em . . .

    as for Steve's comment, part of the problem with Islam is it's lack of central authority, and therefore "official" dogma. Much like the Evangelical movement in the US, the splintering of Islam into Shia, Sunni, and the various splinters of those two factions, it is left to the various Imams (or Church Leaders) to interpret "the Word of God" as they see fit. It's what leads to the insanity that is the Taliban, or the Westboro Baptists. The tragedy is that the three largest mono-theist Faiths (Catholic, Muslim, and Jewish) have so much more in common with each other than the various hard-liners would choose to admit.
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