WE ARE MOVING SOON, We will be switcing forum software in the coming days. I am not sure of the exact time and date but sometime this week. I will do my best to make sure the disruption is as little as possible but the site could be down for a good hour for the move. If you want to know about the new forum sofware please visit this Discussion
CPT event breakfast
I will be out at Great Blue Heron Casino by 9 am on Wednesday. I'll be wearing an old-school blue jays hat. Say hi, and we'll eat some real breakfast. I can't handle those stale cinnamon buns.
Noone will think less of you if you back out of it and just play the damn thing. Not all poker moves are a +EV at first but in the long run you may find that the experience alone will make it a +EV in terms of poker and in terms of life expereince. My thoughts anyway...
my only problem is i could likely grind out $50 in low buy-in sng and play no mtt and get there.
i'm going to consider my challenge achieved though,cause i want to play a bunch of mtt, in the next two days to prep and having to cover another 100-150 in buy-ins may just not be resonable.
I achieved solid results in various categoriers and while my overall dollars in MTT may not be great, i've had three bubble outs in big MTT where i decided not to squeek into the money (way over average stack would have been easy) ... and instead play agressive. i have no quams with doing it either, because that's how i intend to play the CPT, balls to the walls.
I will try to be there for 9am also.
Black baseball cap (no logo).
Grey t-shirt.
Black fleece jacket.
Black leather jacket?
1 condom with the inner lubricant.
Black shoes.
Black (geeky) glasses.
1 toothpick.
Where is the real breakfast, the buffet area?
sounds liek you've done this before
I'll also have a tube of astrolube because I just have a feeling I'll be taking it prison style. I've got this incredible ability to wish a set on my opponents when I get AA-JJ and there is a ten high, uncoordinated rainbow flop. The astrolube will be in tube in my back pocket (handy, for quick application), so you should be able to spot me from the front or back.
My name-dropping. I know chugs, and he'll spot me.
Bullshit! That's me.
I am Devin Armstrong!
So does that mean that the "real" Devin is the one in the man diapers?
It's all so clear to me now...
a shameless plug!
...or Leffe Blond.
I feel ripped off - I bought a case today - NO CHIP!
Where is the complaint department?