over the top drunkeness

i just read an article about david diaz being tossed from the wsop for the rest of the series due to him being crazy drunk and allegedly harassing other players and employees. he says that he was so drunk that he doesn't remember anything. some of his friends (some who are pros) took to twitter to defend him saying that he's one of the nicest guys and that he never does things like this, so he should be given a break/second chance.

personally, if he was as bad as they are suggesting i agree with his series ban. he can come back next year. that's really not too bad of a punish imo. however, that's not really the point i wanted to discuss.

i'm more interested in a person's mentality in general compared to that same person insanely drunk. that is, to say that diaz is just the nicest guy ever but when he is plastered he becomes a crazy asshole seems unlikely to me. i'm of the opinion that when one gets crazy drunk they are simply lowering their inhibitions. i do not think that when someone gets really drunk they are sometimes able to just become some other person or that they adopt some different mentality that they have never had before. maybe in general they try to not act like an asshole but when they are trashed they just can't help from being one. thoughts?


  • I know lots of friendly drunks and just as many asshole drunks. So yeah I believe it.
  • One of my best friends growing up was this kind of schizo . . . meek and mild when sober, a rage machine when bombed. Funniest part would be when he'd get wasted and want to fight me or my best friend for trying to get him out of the bar. This guy was Hobbes height (if that), and maybe 30 lbs lighter. I'm 6'4" and go about 275. My best friend is of a similar size, so it was always amusing to see this little SOB wanting to take us on.
  • I guess it's possible I've just never met anyone like that. I have seen people smoke weed and go crazy though so I guess it makes sense somewhat.
  • I've known enough people in my life like this to fill a city. Some people just shouldn't drink. Period. I've terminated and deleted friendships for this reason on many occasions. Some people can drink dozens of bottles of beer, but you give them one glass of rye or scotch and they're instant assholes.
  • trigs wrote: »
    I guess it's possible I've just never met anyone like that. I have seen people smoke weed and go crazy though so I guess it makes sense somewhat.

    You have seen people smoke weed and go crazy? Wow, that's rare.
  • Black outs during inebriation are an indicator that you are an alcoholic and possess the genes responsible for addiction. Perhaps his friends should be more concerned with getting him some help rather than being concerned if he can play poker.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Perhaps his friends should be more concerned with getting him some help rather than being concerned if he can play poker.

    But finishing itm at Betty Ford during "Crafts hour" doesn't provide the same ROI as a WSOP bracelet.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    You have seen people smoke weed and go crazy? Wow, that's rare.

    The gf and I call it "going emilio" (the breakfast club movie reference).

    One time I watched as two guys I just met smoked one joint between five people. Right after they started freaking out like running around and yelling. Then they climbed onto the top of their car and started jumping. Dented the roof pretty good. Everyone else who smoked it was normal so it wasn't the weed.
  • I used to be an asshole when I got drunk. That's why I've been sober now for 8 years this coming July.
  • I just talk alot and slur my words.
  • I used to be an asshole when I got drunk. That's why I've been sober now for 8 years this coming July.

    Congrats for taking control over your life.
  • What about the guys who are assholes all the time, even when not drinking.... -->>:D

    Not looking in any particular direction...
  • compuease wrote: »
    What about the guys who are assholes all the time, even when not drinking.... -->>:D

    Not looking in any particular direction...

  • compuease wrote: »
    What about the guys who are assholes all the time, even when not drinking.... -->>:D

    They get banned from PFC.
  • They get banned from PFC.

    I have not!! :D
  • They get banned from PFC.


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